with teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan to the land of Israel to
discover fascinating truths about the events surrounding the birth of
Jesus. Hunch within the dank, sooty mouth of a cave much like the one
in which Jesus was born. See true mangers, hewn not of lumber, but from
solid blocks of rock.
journey begins, though, not in these shadows of squalor, but at the
shining heights of power and opulence: Herod's palace. Its ruins will
astound you with their sheer magnitude. Ray Vander Laan weaves the archaeological
evidence with biblical teachings and the historical record to contrast
two kings: Herod and Jesus. The True Christmas Story is strikingly relevant,
packed with faith-building truths, and sure to speak to your heart well
beyond the Christmas season.
special video presentation includes the Christmas Special and a bonus
segment from the 5-volume That the World May Know Faith Lessons series
featuring Ray Vander Laan.
Features: Language: English Subtitles:None Viewing Format: Fullscreen
Bonus Materials: - Living Water - Hebrew Thinking - Illustration Gallery
43 min | Production Year: 1999
- DVD Price $14.95
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