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this series of London lectures, John Stott provides a lasting legacy
as he presents the Jesus of the New Testament and of church history.
Lecture 3: The Influential Jesus or How He Has Inspired People
In this two-part lecture Dr. Stott provides a rapid birdÍs eye view
of the remarkable effects that Jesus has had on some of the greatest
change agents in all history. He shows how Jesus has been the motivator,
inspiration, source of strength, model and goal for diverse heroic efforts.
Nine various case studies are set forth. Included among them are:
´ The Ministry of Compassion - Father Damien
´ The Love for Children - Thomas Bernardo
´ Zeal for the Honor of ChristÍs Name - Henry Martyn
´ The Missionary Spirit - Roland Allen
For over half a century John Stott has been an ambassador for Christ.
He has served at All Souls, Langham Place in LondonÍs West End as successively
Curate, Rector and Rector Emeritus. He was also Chaplain to the Queen,
President of organizations such as Scripture Union, TEAR Fund and UCCF
and the London Institute and is one of the most prolific Christian authors
of the century.
- DVD Price $14.95
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