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the beginning, darkness is upon the stage and a voice declares, "Let
there be light." The light reveals a solitary actor who speaks
a narrative as ancient as time, as powerful as tomorrow's news headlines.
Genesis is the story of stories, an eloquent telling of the first book
of the Bible, a theatrical tour de force.
With remarkable energy and a gift for storytelling that can prickle
the back of your neck, McLean captures the humor and pathos in Genesis'
dramatic sweep from Eden to Babel, from the immense flood of Noah to
Abraham's heart-cleaving sacrifice of his son Isaac, from the epic destruction
of Sodom and Gomorrah to Jacob's soul-wounding wrestling match with
the Angel of God.
Passionate, fallible men and women spring to life in a story that has
inspired children and baffled scholars. You've never known Genesis like
DVD Features:
Languages: English
Bonus Material:
- Info on Max McLean
- Contact Info
- Info on the Fellowship of Performing Arts
Time: 1 hr 55 min | Production Year: 1998