Fatima: The Great Sign
by Francis Johnston
SKU: 46
ISBN: 9780895551634
The apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 represent some of the most important events in the history of the 20th century—if not all time. In them, Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children—two canonized saints, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, and Lucia dos Santos—calling for repentance and a return to God (as the message of Our Lady and the saints ever is). Presaging the end of the First World War and the start of the Second, as well as the Communist ideological takeover of all the Western world stemming from Russia, and even the assassination attempt on Pope St. John Paul II, Fatima is a unique apparition that can scarcely be missed by Catholics in this age. In Fatima: The Great Sign, author Francis Johnston recounts the story, the message, and the meaning of these monumental events that have rocked the Church and the world since. Johnston penetrates deeply the theology of Fatima, including:
The Rosary
Daily duties
Eucharistic reparation
Consecration and reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Hell and prophecies
And far more . . .
Also covered are the repeated papal pronouncements on the crucial relevance of the Fatima messages to the entire world in our most peculiar times. Be witness to the grave and momentous import of Our Lady of Fatima with this excellent guide. In the words of Pope Pius XII, "The time for doubting Fatima is past; it is now time for action."
Price: $15.95
Catholic Catechism
Fr. W. Faerber
Catholic Catechism is one of the finest catechisms ever compiled on the basic teachings of the Church. 388 questions and fact-filled answers on all important aspects of the Faith: the Apostles' Creed; the 10 Commandments; the Precepts of the Church; and the Seven Sacraments. Plus; all traditional prayers including prayers of the Mass; the books of the Bible; the mysteries of the Rosary; etc. For basic teaching; supplemental work; convert instruction; inquiry; class study; and just plain review. Impr. 128 pgs; PB
Price: $16.95
Dominican Saints
Dominican Novices, St. Catherine of Siena
The Order of Preachers, purveyors of the Rosary, Hounds of the Lord—the Dominican order is one of the greatest jewels in the treasury of the Church. Such an illustrious band has produced numerous saints: confessors, nuns, popes, martyrs, preachers, mystics, and more. In Dominican Saints, readers will find biographies of the most illustrious members of St. Dominic's lineage, including:
Peter the Martyr
Thomas Aquinas
Catherine of Siena
Vincent Ferrer
Pius V
Rose of Lima
And more . . .
Pious tradition relates the story of St. Dominic's vision of the future of his order. One night, deep in prayer, he was granted a vision of the heavenly court, and the walls of Eternity parted to reveal Our Lord and Our Lady. Suddenly, Dominic began to weep. When the Lord asked him why he could be so sorrowful, St. Dominic replied that, although he could see so many members of other orders in heaven, he could find not one Dominican. Ever mirthful, Our Lord then indicated his Mother, saying that the order was in her care. At this, Our Lady raised her mantle and spread it wide, revealing a host of Dominicans so vast it seemed to fill the entire heavenly court. Here, come to know these holy men and women of one of the most privileged groups in history.
Price: $19.95
The Secret of the Rosary
St. Louis de Montfort
Do you pray the Rosary well? With well over 5,000,000 copies sold, The Secret of the Rosary is one of the most beloved classics of Catholic literature as it teaches its readers this very important and spiritually vital thing! Written by St. Louis de Montfort, this short and revelatory book describes the many mysteries of the Rosary and teaches us how to pray it with proper devotion to Our Lady and her son, Jesus Christ. St. Louis discusses the numerous intricacies and beauties of the Rosary with topics like:
Origins of the Rosary
Mysteries of the Rosary
Miraculous effects of the Rosary
Prayers of the rosary
St. Louis’s humble but inspiring writing is the perfect way to reencounter the Rosary, or to try the devotion for the first time. A perpetual advocate for the Catholic Church’s honoring of the Blessed Virgin, St. Louis reveals her love for the Church in a new way in his meditations on the Holy Rosary. St. Louis De Montfort lived in the 17th century, but his many works of holy Catholic literature have lasted and grown in popularity, even till the present day. Author of the eternal classic, True Devotion to Mary, St. Louis has been teaching the Church and its members valuable lessons about Marian devotion for centuries with enormous spiritual fruits to show for it. With the holy instruction of St. Louis, you cannot fail to appreciate the greatest gift of Mary— the Holy Rosary. With it, we are sanctified and brought into the presence of God now and at the end of our earthly lives.
Price: $6.95
First Communion Gift Bible
This hardbound, gold-embossed First Communion Bible contains pages of colorful images, child-friendly stories on the lives of young Saints, daily Catholic prayers, including how to pray the Rosary, and explanations of the Seven Sacraments. This elegant edition also contains an explanation of the Mass.
The treasures found in this gift Bible, a Douay-Rheims translation, will multiply the Graces received in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Price: $44.95
Our Lady of Good Help: Prayer Book for Pilgrims
Fr. Edward Looney
In 1859, the Virgin Mary appeared as the Queen of Heaven to Adele Brise, a 28-year-old Belgian immigrant living in Northeast Wisconsin. Today, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help commemorates this Marian apparition—the only approved apparition to have taken place on United States soil.
One need not visit Lourdes or Fatima to pray at the site of a Marian apparition. The Mother of God has blessed our own country with her presence. More Catholics, especially American Catholics, need to know what happened in Wisconsin, to learn its message, and to enter into a time of prayer.
This Pilgrim’s Prayer Manual will
Guide the devotee on a pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help
Help increase devotion to Our Lady
Serve as a spiritual pilgrimage for those not able to physically go
Introduce the faithful to Adele, the visionary
Offer the fascinating history of the United States only approved Marian Apparition
Through the rosary, the stations, novenas, and other prayers, Pilgrim’s Prayer Manual serves not only as a beautiful memento for pilgrims, but it will also help those unable to go to Champion, to foster their own devotion to the Blessed Mother from the comfort of their own home as a pilgrim from afar.
Price: $24.95
Mysteries of the Rosary: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
The Most Holy Rosary is one of the greatest prayers in the history of the Church. Garnished as it is with the testimony of saints and Popes for the last thousand years, the only greater prayers are the Mass and the Divine Office. It is a prayer for the people, to be said over and over, and yet many still seek ways to enter into the deeper mansions of spiritual richness to be found in this devotion. If you seek to reap the full harvest of this bountiful prayer, focus on the mysteries to better follow the life of our Lord through the eyes of Our Blessed Lady. Many books have been produced over the years, employing various methods of meditation. This one, however, stands as a unique work, arranged through the eyes of the great mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. Discover her magnificent and terrifying visions that will bring the Rosary to life and help you to more fully contemplate the lives of Jesus and Mary in this great prayer. The visions of Blessed Anne Catherine will help you live the life of Christ in your own life. You cannot help to be drawn closer to Him after experiencing the joys and sorrows of Jesus and His Mother in The Mysteries of the Rosary.
Price: $16.95
Saint Dominic
Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy, OP
Before the birth of her son St. Dominic of Guzman, Joanna of Aza (later beatified herself) had a dream that she gave birth to a dog with a torch in its mouth. This dog ran over the whole world and set it on fire. This dream, perhaps legendary, was an apt description of her son's destiny, since he and his "hounds of the Lord" ("Domini-canes") would set the world ablaze with the Divine Charity of Christ. Indeed, among the founders of religious orders, no man stands as tall as Dominic for preaching against heresy and creating an order in just 5 years that utterly transformed the Church and world. Born in Spain in 1170, Dominic was of noble lineage, and so he acquired an excellent education at a monastery and schools in Palencia; even in youth, he was generous, as he sold his books to give to the starving during a period of famine. Ordained a priest at 24, he became a canon of the Cathedral of Osma and spent a decade in obscurity, growing in holiness. After two missions to Denmark with the Bishop of Osma (to acquire a princess for the prince of the realm), Dominic was overcome by the horrors of the Albigensian heresy, a form of Gnosticism and neo-Manichaeism. At first only able to preach largely on his own, he did manage to establish some female contemplative convents, which would later prove the basis of his preaching's success. After serving as a chaplain (and dispenser of mercy and mitigator of abuses) during a crusade against the Albigensians, Dominic did found a small diocesan congregation, though it was far from what he hoped. All the while, his reputation of sanctity and miracle-working grew, and he had to refuse three times offers of episcopal consecration. Finally, in 1216, he founded the male branch of the Order of Preachers with papal approbation, and thereafter the order flourished, receiving great privileges from the Holy See to preach in all corners of Christendom—from Portugal to Poland. He went about establishing orders and converting heretics, especially by means of the Holy Rosary, a devotion he received directly from Our Lady in his earlier years. Finally, he died at age 50 in 1221. In this short but substantive biography, discover the life of a truly apostolic confessor of the Faith who converted hundreds of thousands and a miracle-worker who raised the dead, multiplied bread and wine, and who received visions of Our Lady and Lord. Let St. Dominic light a fire in your heart, and follow him to preach the Word of God throughout the earth.
Price: $15.95
Our Lady of Fatima: The Graphic Novel
When a little boy stops in to see Sister Lucia on his way to Catechism Class, she tells him the amazing story of Fatima. As the boy’s eyes fill with wonder, so too will readers respond to the appearance of The Virgin Mary to Lucia and her cousins as little children.
They will be fascinated to learn about what Our Lady taught Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco. They will be inspired to Our Lady’s pleas to pray the Rosary, do penance, and follow Jesus as the three shepherd children did. Readers will marvel as they watch the courageous response of the children of Fatima to the Blessed Mother’s message. Their eyes will widen in wonder as they learn about the “Miracle of the Sun”.
The Graphic Novel is a particularly effective way to bring the powerful story of Fatima alive. Packed with charming illustrations, Our Lady of Fatima – The Graphic Novel will delight readers, whether they’re children or children-at-heart.
Price: $24.95
How to Be Happy, How to Be Holy
Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL
Everyone wants to be happy. While not everyone wants to be holy, we all should—especially because this is the surest way to become happy. Christ Himself gave us very clear directions on how to be happy when He sat down and pronounced the Beatitudes. Since then, all the Saints have sought to follow the advice of their Divine Creator and Redeemer in the way of true joy. In How to Be Happy; How to Be Holy, mainstay author Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers guidance on how to achieve both sanctity and happiness, showing how the two go hand in hand. Providing lovely anecdotes from the lives of the Saints, Fr. O'Sullivan shows us in a warm, encouraging, and inspiring way the importance of prayer and the ease with which we can all derive great benefits therefrom. While not yet Saints ourselves, we will surely make it there following the advice of this little book. Among the contents are expositions on all the major prayers (and some lesser-known ones), explanations of the Mass, meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary, and more. This book is a pocket method for approaching heaven and thus true happiness.
Price: $19.95
Catholic Stories for Boys & Girls Volume 1
Catholic Nuns in America
Begin your family’s reading adventures with Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls, Volume I! In this first volume of the four-part series read:
“The Best Deed”—A class of Confirmation students is challenged to find a remarkable deed to perform within the next week. To try and win the prize statue, one girl decides to give up candy, but her encounters with a dying man at her father’s hospital allow her to perform the most remarkable deed of all: helping another earn his salvation.
“The Wreath of Flowers”—Angelo’s devotion to the rosary helps himself and others, both physically and spiritually, throughout his whole life.
“Pedro of the Water Jars”—As an explorer with Christopher Columbus in 1492, young Pedro journeys to the New World to find a new home.
“The Little Dove of Our Lady”—This story tells about the childhood of St. Catherine Labouré.
“The Great Gift of Our Lady”—Continuing from the previous tale, "The Great Gift of Our Lady" tells about St. Catherine when she is a fully professed nun.
“Black Robe”—See the dangers St. Isaac Jogues bravely faces to save souls in the wilderness.
Written to be read aloud for the entire family’s entertainment, Catholic Stories for Boys & Girls offers four volumes, each holding a handful of happy and courageous stories, compiled and written by Catholic nuns in the 1930's. Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls appeals to the whole family by using simple vocabulary to engage children but also providing well-developed plots to captivate adults’ interest. Each story highlights a different virtue, and, to reinforce the virtue, every chapter closes with a two-line rhyming verse that provides both a chapter summary and a pithy message, all underlining the books’ main theme—the Church gives life to the soul through grace. Excellent when read by children, and even better when read to children by parents and older siblings, these timeless stories show the reward of virtue by the wondrous events that occur when one is generous with God. As taken from the front cover of the book, the stories herein are republished in the hope that in a small way the Faith, Culture, and Tradition of the Holy Catholic Church may be preserved for our most prized possession, our children.
Our prayer for these books is the same as Baltimore’s first Archbishop, the Most Reverend Michael J. Curley, prayed when these books were first published:
“May our Divine Lord bless each boy and girl who reads these stories, as well as every one who helps to place them in their hands.”
Price: $19.95
Book Set of 20: Mary Fabyan Windeatt
Mary Fabyan Windeatt
Every child needs good examples of a faithful Catholics in their life— what better examples than the saints themselves. Each of these books is easy-to-read and filled with simple stories from the lives of the greatest saints. Your child will love the beautiful illustrations and charming stories. Aimed at instructing children in the Faith, these books will become an invaluable resource in your home. This set is perfect for homeschooling families and parents looking to further their children’s’ knowledge of the faith in an engaging way! The stories are perfect for children of all ages if read aloud. The set includes:
The Children of Fatima and Our Lady's Message to the World
The Cure of Ars - The Story of Saint John Vianney
The Little Flower - The Story of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus
Saint of First Communicants - The Story of Blessed Imelda Lamertini
The Miraculous Medal - The Story of Our Lady's Appearances to St. Catherine Laboure
St. Louis De Montfort - The Story of Our Lady's Slave
Saint Thomas Aquinas - The Story of the Dumb Ox
Saint Catherine of Siena - The Story of the Girl Who Saw Saints in the Sky
Saint Hyacinth of Poland - The Story of the Apostle of the North
Saint Martin De Porres - The Story of the Little Doctor of Lima, Peru
Saint Rose of Lima - The Story of the First Canonized Saint of the Americas
The Children of La Salette
Saint Paul the Apostle - The Story of the Apostle to the Gentiles
Saint Benedict - The Story of the Father of the Western Monks
Saint Margaret Mary and the Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saint Dominic - Preacher of the Rosary and Founder of the Dominican Order
King David and His Songs - A Story of the Psalms
Saint Francis Solano - Wonder-Worker of the New World
Saint John Masias - Marvelous Dominican Gatekeeper of Lima, Peru
Blessed Marie of New France - The Story of the First Missionary Sisters in Canada
Price: $150.00
Saint John Bosco: The Friend of Youth
F.A. Forbes
St. John Bosco was a priest of the diocese of Turin, Italy, and founder of the Society of St. Francis de Sales. Famous for his kindliness and gentleness, he is a patron of disadvantaged youth because of his caring for children on the streets and juvenile delinquents, whose welfare he made his life's work. Giving them shelter and care, teaching them skills for future employment, and even enticing them with his uncanny magic tricks and juggling skills, Don Bosco was famous as a helper of the poor and needy children created by the Industrial Revolution, as well as a beloved publisher of catechetical works. He was called to the priesthood at an early age and, through struggle and hard work, obtained the education necessary to be ordained. His life work was among the poor and needy, both young men and women (through the congregations he founded especially). He wrote volumes, including over 220 works, in addition to all the other efforts he made, which included pioneering a method of education that was based on love rather than punishment and guiding the Salesians to become one of the largest religious orders in the world. All of his students grew to love him, and he was ever seen teaching and guiding many youths to greater charity. He died in 1888; his funeral was attended by thousands. But there was yet far more inside this powerhouse saint than meets the eye. Recorded in his memoirs, St. John Bosco's mystical dreams—provided in this short biography as well—reveal a side of the gentle saint that is scarcely recognizable, taking him squarely from the image of the saint of social welfare to one as a mystical pastor of souls. The dreams—really allegorical visions, and terrible ones—saw him tossing on the waves of the high seas of modernism that roiled and rocked the Barque of the Church, or facing a horrifying, massive snake that was strangled in the rope of the Rosary, or permeating by divine guidance straight to the depths of Hell and back again. Yes, Don Bosco was also a mystic—and an extraordinary one at that. Most of all, Don Bosco's life of service to others, especially the youth, and bringing them to Christ, show this: that the interior life is always the source of exterior action. Here is the life of an underrated and extremely important saint for our times.
Price: $16.95
The Fr. Paul O'Sullivan Set
Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL
Saint Philomena: The Wonder-Worker: Though nothing historical is known of her, Saint Philomena, the titular Wonder-Worker, was declared a Saint in 1837, only 35 years after the discovery of her relics. This book recounts the whole incredible story, plus many accounts of her tremendous favors and miracles. She is another St. Jude to call on in our desperate needs.
The Holy Ghost, Our Greatest Friend: He Who Loves Us Best is a beautiful little book "all about the Holy Ghost," including prayers to Him, the third Person of the Trinity and true God. This book shows that the Holy Ghost really and truly dwells in every soul in the state of grace and that He aids all true Christians without exception, if only we will ask His help.
Inside the pages of How to Be Happy, How to Be Holy, find lovely, short anecdotes from the lives of the Saints, showing us in a warm, encouraging, and inspiring way the importance of prayer and the ease with which we can all derive great benefits therefrom, without yet being Saints ourselves. This book covers the meaning of basic Catholic prayers, the Mysteries of the Rosary, and the wonders of the Mass. It was written for all, and all should read it.
The Wonders of the Holy Name urges us to invoke the name of Jesus often. By reverent use of the Holy Name, we can glorify God, call on His aid, pay our spiritual debts, and assist the Poor Souls.
All about the Angels shows how the angels have visited people innumerable times in the past, how they do so today, and how they would do even more if we asked them. It also demonstrates how they prevent accidents, comfort us, help us, and protect us from the devils. Presented are many beautiful stories about St. Michael, St. Raphael, and St. Gabriel—plus, angel stories from St. Gemma Galgani, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. John Bosco.
The Wonders of the Mass describes how "the Mass is the greatest wonder in the world," seconded only by "the next greatest wonder . . . the indifference and ignorance of Catholics regarding the Mass." Included are quotes from Saints and Our Lord Himself in revelations to various Saints. Here is much instruction filled with expositions on the glories of the Sacred Liturgy.
Price: $58.95
Miraculous Images of Our Lady: 100 Famous Catholic Portraits and Statues
Joan Carroll Cruz
Those who oppose the Church and true religion believe that it is riddled with credulity and superstition. But the Church in fact takes very good care of vetting her miracles and marvels—and there are many! Most beloved among them are the miraculous images of the Blessed Mother, objects of the tenderest devotion of many Catholics. Here, in Miraculous Images of Our Lady, TAN mainstay author Joan Carroll Cruz provides 100 true stories of Church-approved miraculous statues, paintings, and other images of Our Lady from all parts of the globe and spanning almost 2,000 years. Included are images that have spoken, brought miraculous cures and other special favors, helped in the construction of Catholic churches, shed luminous rays leading to their discovery in hidden places, given off a celestial fragrance, or suddenly and unexplainably become extremely heavy so as to resist being moved from a favored place. Also described are images of Our Lady weeping blood and tears or lovingly holding the Infant Jesus, as well as the ornate and costly garments the faithful have created for these dear figures and the special feast days celebrated in their honor. Ranging across Mexico, Japan, Italy, the U.S., France, Poland and elsewhere, Cruz tells stories of the images of Our Lady of Guadalupe, of Akita, of Pompeii, of Prompt Succor, of the Smile (through which St. Therese the Little Flower was cured at age 10), of the Holy Rosary, the Comforter of the Afflicted, the Madonna of Consolation, the Mother of Divine Love, Our Lady of Zapopan, the Black Madonna of Cz?stochowa, and many, many more! Scores of pictures make the book come alive and will inspire fervid devotion to the Blessed Mother. Joan Carroll Cruz, a native of New Orleans, was a tertiary of the Discalced Carmelite Secular Order. Her many books include The Incorruptibles, Relics, Secular Saints, Prayers and Heavenly Promises, Angels and Devils, Miraculous Images of Our Lord, and many others.
Price: $26.95
Manual for Spiritual Warfare
Paul Thigpen, PhD
A fierce war rages for your soul. Are you ready for battle?
Like it or not, you are at war. You face a powerful enemy out to destroy you. You live on the battlefield, so you can’t escape the conflict.
It’s a spiritual war with crucial consequences in your everyday life, and its outcome will determine your eternal destiny.
You must engage the Enemy. And as you fight, you need a Manual for Spiritual Warfare. This guide for spiritual warriors will help you recognize, resist, and overcome the Devil’s attacks.
Part One, “Preparing for Battle,” answers these critical questions:
Who is Satan, and what powers does he have?
What are his typical strategies?
Who fights him alongside us in battle?
What spiritual weapons and armor do we possess?
How do we keep the Enemy out of our camp?
Part Two, “Aids in Battle,” provides you these essential resources:
Teaching about spiritual warfare from Scripture and Church documents
Scripture verses for battle
Wisdom and inspiration from saints who fought Satan
Prayers for protection, deliverance, and victory
Rosary meditations, hymns, and other devotions for spiritual combat
St. Paul urges us to “fight the good fight of the faith” (1 Tim 6:12). Take this Manual for Spiritual Warfare with you into battle.
Charcoal Grey deluxe leatherette with rounded corners, embossed cover, silver foil, black ribbons, silver edges, and red accented interior.
Price: $29.95
Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco: From Saint John Bosco's Biographical Memoirs
The hidden interior life of the social worker saint . . . St. John Bosco was a priest of the diocese of Turin, Italy, and founder of the Society of St. Francis de Sales. Famous for his kindliness and gentleness, he is a patron of disadvantaged youth because of his caring for children on the streets and juvenile delinquents, whose care and welfare he made his life's work. Giving them shelter and care, teaching them skills for future employment, and even enticing them with his uncanny magic tricks and juggling skills, Don Bosco was famous as a helper of the poor and needy children created by the Industrial Revolution, as well as a beloved publisher of catechetical works. But as Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco shows, there is far more inside this powerhouse saint than meets the eye. Recorded in his memoirs, St. John Bosco's dreams reveal a side of the gentle saint that is scarcely recognizable, taking him squarely from the image of the saint of social welfare to one as a mystical pastor of souls. The dreams—really allegorical visions, and terrible ones—see him tossing on the waves of the high seas of modernism that roil and rock the Barque of the Church, guided by the Pope between two pillars of Mary and the Blessed Sacrament. Elsewhere, in a mystical allegory, he faces a horrifying, massive snake that becomes strangled in the rope of the Rosary. But when his boys begin to feast on the snake's flesh, he rather has to use a hammer and anvil—Confession and Communion—to bring them back to life. And the most horrid dream of all takes John Bosco, along with his readers, straight to the depths of Hell, more awful than anything he can imagine, where he sees the fate of his poor boys unless he should help them. Be inspired, not terrified, by the dreams of this underrated mystic who saw vividly and almost unbearably the spiritual reality of his exterior actions, showing us that nothing is without deepest and most powerful meaning in the spiritual realm. St. John Bosco shows us that through all of these perils, there is sound hope in the mercy of the All-Loving and All-Powerful God, Who does all He can for us to be saved.
Price: $19.95
The Life of Saint Dominic
Sr. Augusta Theodosia Drane
The best biography of St. Dominic in English we have seen. Covers his preaching, miracles, founding of the Dominicans, the Rosary, the incredible fruit of his life, and the miraculous growth of the Dominicans. 256 pgs, PB
Price: $15.95
Cómo rezar el Rosario Prayer Card (Pack of 100)
Cómo rezar el Rosario.Este útil folleto incluye los misterios Gozosos, Luminosos, Dolorosos y Gloriosos, instrucciones para rezarlo y las oraciones del Santo Rosario. Se vende en paquetes de 100 folletos. Precio: 1 paquete-$5; 5 paquetes-$20; 10 paquetes-$30 más gastos de envío. How to Say the Rosary. This useful leaflet in Spanish includes the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries, the prayers of the Rosary, and instructions on how to pray it. Sold in packs of 100 leaflets.
Price: $7.95
A Brief Catechism for Adults: A Complete Handbook on How to Be a Good Catholic
Fr. William J. Cogan
A Brief Catechism for Adults is a little masterpiece designed for instructing converts. But it also serves as a useful handbook for lifelong Catholics who want to understand their faith more deeply. After the first edition of the book was used to catechize tens of thousands seeking to become Catholic, this second edition was revised in the light of notes made by numerous Catholic priests who had used the text. So it represents the fruit of extensive experience in teaching the Faith to converts, and for years it was practically the standard catechism in the U.S. and Canada for that purpose. This book is packed with facts and written in short, clear, question-and-answer format, accompanied by brief Scripture quotes. Using concise, ordinary language to explain profound theological and moral truths, it examines:
What we must believe and do to be saved
How to form a correct conscience
The duties of Catholic spouses and parents
Common mortal sins
The interior design of a traditional Catholic church
How to pray the Rosary
Popular saints’ names for Baptism and Confirmation
Familiar Catholic prayers
Practical points for responding to common questions that arise in an unbelieving world
A Brief Catechism for Adults is a valuable handbook for becoming a faithful Catholic—perfect for inquirers, but excellent for cradle Catholics as well.
Price: $19.95
Prayers and Heavenly Promises: Compiled from Approved Sources
Joan Carroll Cruz
This unique book of powerful prayers and devotions compiled by Joan Carroll Cruz includes wonderful promises made by Our Lord or Our Lady, most of which were revealed to famous Saints, including St. Faustina, St. Gertrude, and St. Catherine Labouré. Author Joan Carroll Cruz has carefully selected and compiled devotions to Our Lady, the Infant Jesus, the Precious Blood, the Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, St. Michael, and more in one place so that your daily prayer can be more powerful and more fruitful than ever before.
Among the many treasures in this book you will find:
Supplemental prayers, devotions, and promises to the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet, making these common prayers even more fruitful.
St. Louis de Montfort’s beautiful Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Dozens of devotions to Our Lady from St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Alphonsus Liguori, and others, offer unique promises of grace and blessings
Powerful, in-depth meditations and reflections on Our Lord’s Passion and Death, including the powerful graces promised to St. Martha Mary Chambon
The promises set forth in this book show that God is eager to grant us many favors—if we will just pray! Designed to fit in your pocket or purse, you will have these powerful prayers with you at all times.
Price: $9.95
Saint Dominic: Preacher of the Rosary and Founder of the Dominican Order
Mary Fabyan Windeatt
Learn the entire life of one of the greatest saints the Church has ever seen, St. Dominic, at the feet of the “The Storyteller of the Saints!” In this book, the many wonders that St. Dominic worked throughout his life are told in way that is perfect for children. They will love to hear of his many adventures, defeating the Albigensian heresy, raising people from the dead, working countless miracles, triumphing over the Devil, and founding the Dominican order. Most of all, they will be captivated by the beautiful account of St. Dominic’s gift from the Blessed Virgin: the Holy Rosary. Through the life of St. Dominic, you and your children will understand what it means to answer the call of God wholeheartedly. Mary Fabyan Windeatt, known as the “Storyteller of the Saints”, wrote 20 works on the saints in the mid-20th century. Windeatt’s intention and style retells the lives of the saints in a historically rooted and creative manner that makes the saints more personable and relatable, serving as inspiration and models for children who hear these wonderful stories. In this engaging retelling of the story of St. Dominic and the origin of the Rosary, your child will see the importance of listening to the call of God. Ideal for all children, whether read by them or aloud to them, the lessons of this book are applicable and relatable to all ages. If your child is enrolled in TAN Academy, this book is an excellent option for easy-reading literature for Kindergarten through 3rd Grade.
Price: $11.95
Fatima: The Apparition that Changed the World
Jean Heimann
Fatima. Few place-names in the Christian world conjure up such powerful images and associations as that of this humble town in Portugal. For it was there that Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children beginning in 1917—apparitions that are intimately linked to pious Catholic practices such as devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the five first Saturdays, and daily recitation of the Rosary with the Fatima prayer, as well as miracles attested to even by non-believers, such as the “day the sun danced.” The Virgin’s message, as it always is, was penance. But she also predicted world historical events, such as the rise and fall of communism, the Second World War, and the attempted assassination of Pope St. John Paul II. She promised refuge in her Immaculate Heart to all who approach her—a promise extended, and urgently needed, today.
This beautifully illustrated volume will be treasured by long-time devotees of our Blessed Mother under the title of Our Lady of Fatima, as well as those, both Catholic and non-Catholic alike, who seek to learn more about the dramatic events related to the apparition that have unfolded over the course of the last century.
In Fatima: The Apparition That Changed the World, noted Catholic author and Blue Army member Jean M. Heimann traces the history of the apparitions at Cova da Iria and, assisted by over fifty full-color illustrations, guides the reader through the hundred years since the Mother of God appeared to three little children in a small town in Portugal.
Price: $24.95
Manual for Eucharistic Adoration
The Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration
I put before you the one great thing to love on earth: the Blessed Sacrament." — J.R.R. Tolkien
Eucharistic adoration according to Fr. Frederick Faber is “the queen of all devotions.” Pope St. Pius X taught that it was the devotion “most profitable for our salvation.” And St. Gemma Galgani treasured it as “the school of Paradise where one learns how to love.”
So many popes and saints exhort us to spend time with our Eucharistic Lord. And the Manual for Eucharistic Adoration will enrich your hours with Him.
Part One, “Preparing for Eucharistic Adoration,” answers these questions:
What is Eucharistic adoration, and why is it so important
What does Scripture teach about this devotion
What are the fruit of Eucharistic adoration
How should I spend my time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Part Two, “Aids in Eucharistic Adoration,” provides these essential resources:
Teaching about the Eucharist from Scripture and Church documents
Scripture verses for adoration, wisdom and inspiration from saints especially devoted to our Eucharistic Lord
Prayers, Rosary meditations, reflections and hymns
Mother Teresa once said: “The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth.” Take this great saint’s words to heart. Then take the Manual for Eucharistic Adoration when you go to meet Him, and keep it with you Spiritual Communions and other moments of spontaneous adoration throughout the day.
Price: $29.95
The Devil in the City of Angels: My Encounters with the Diabolical
Jesse Romero
“I went from an indifferent, apathetic, Sunday-Mass-attending Catholic Christian to an on-fire Catholic Christian in a few short years. What reignited my faith? The many encounters I had with the occult and diabolical.”
So says renowned Catholic apologist and retired veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Jesse Romero. Now, for the first time in print, Romero reveals the harrowing details of his experiences with the demonic while working for the LASD. Discover the true stories of spiritual warfare being waged in the streets and alleys of L.A., including:
Romero’s encounters with Richard Ramirez, the infamous “Night Stalker”
How the Rosary drove out a demon that had taken hold of a young man
What happened when inmates involved in the occult would try to say “Jesus is Lord”
How a young man who had committed suicide returned to beg his parents for prayers to release him from the pains of Purgatory
And much more.
The Devil in the City of Angels is much more than a catalog of strange and terrifying events. It exposes Satan as the Father of Lies so we can see how he works and how to defeat him. Drawing on his own experiences as well as the most authoritative sources, Romero offers the reader numerous cautionary tales. Ultimately, he also conveys that hope that is only found in Jesus Christ and His Church.
Price: $24.95
Favorite Prayers to Our Lady
Mary Frances Lester
St. Louis de Montfort, in the introduction to his famous work True Devotion to Mary, exclaimed, "We must still say with the saints: De Maria numquam satis. We have still not praised, exalted, honoured, loved and served Mary adequately. She is worthy of even more praise, respect, love and service."
All of the most well known prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary are contained in this complete booklet, Favorite Prayers to Our Lady.
Prayers within include:
How to pray the Rosary
How to practice the First Saturday Devotion
Rosary meditations of St. L. De Montfort
Seven Sorrows of Our Lady
Devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas Prayer
The powerful Thirty Days Prayer
Fatima Prayers
The Rosary in Latin
Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary
And so much more!
The perfect size to carry always, its daily use will aid your devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is the perfect gift for those faithful with a lifelong devotion to Mary, as well as for those who are just beginning to ask the Blessed Virgin to intercede on their behalf.
Price: $5.95
Jesus and Mary: The Lives of Jesus and Mary and the Story of Fatima
NOTE: The eBook edition of this title is currently only available in MOBI (Kindle) format.
What better way for your little one to grow closer to Jesus than through the words of His Loving Mother? In Jesus and Mary, children experience the story of Jesus and Mary in a unique way—from Mary’s own point of view.
This durable hardcover can withstand much usage, and be brought anywhere—into Mass, in the car, outside, around the house, and wherever else your child will want to read this book. It is small enough to easily pack up and bring anywhere, while big enough for growing fingers to handle easily. Every one of its 96 pages features a lovely full-color illustration, sure to engage your little one’s attention.
Jesus and Mary combines four books into one to provide an essential, enriching foundation for budding young lovers of Jesus through Mary. This combined edition of the books originally issued in 1953 includes:
A First Life of Christ: the Virgin Mary touchingly tells the tale of the life of Christ. Through her eyes your little one will grow closer to Jesus and love Him as His mother does.
Three Miracles of Jesus: retells “the miracle at Cana,” “Jesus walks on the water,” and “The loaves and fishes” with colorfully compelling full-page illustrations and detailed, easy to understand text.
Hail Mary: This charming retelling of the story of Mary’s life shows why Catholics pray the Hail Mary.
Our Lady of Fatima: An example of how Mary acts even in modern times, expressing her desire for us to love and honor her Son through prayer, penance, and the Rosary.
Filled with the loving words of our Lady, this book will help your child grow spiritually closer to Jesus and become more like Him and His Mother, the two most perfect of our human race.
Price: $16.95
True Devotion to Mary with Preparation for Total Consecration
St. Louis de Montfort
In the greatest book of Marian spirituality ever written, St. Louis de Montfort teaches the easiest, most secure, and most perfect way to sainthood. There is no better way to become holy quickly, to please God, and to guarantee your eternal salvation than being truly devoted to Mary, the Mother of God.
The original source of the beautiful phrase “to Jesus through Mary” comes from this book, in which St. Louis sums up all of Christian life. Through his wisdom and love of the Blessed Virgin, he describes the path to holiness and helps us to learn the lessons that have saved countless souls. In a simple but profound way, St. Louis reveals all the spiritual benefits of true devotion to Mary. St. Louis de Montfort lived in the 17th century and is known as one of the greatest apostles of Marian devotion. In his life as a priest, he was dedicated to preaching to the people around him.
In doing so, he revealed to them his great love and depth of knowledge in humble but inspiring rhetoric. His life was characterized by prayer, love of the poor, and joy in his constant persecution. He was canonized by Pius XII in 1947, and his legacy as the greatest advocate of devotion to Mary is immortalized in True Devotion to Mary.
This beautifully constructed edition of True Devotion to Mary is part of the TAN Classics collection. Its simple and sturdy design will make it the perfect book to keep always by your side and to return to often.
With St. Louis’ instruction and the resources in this beautiful edition, you will not fail to ardently pursue devotion and consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary. With her help and by the grace of God, you will one day join her in heaven and worship her beloved son through eternity
Price: $19.95
Pray Always: A Catholic Child's First Prayer Book
The Ideal Gift for Reconciliation or First Communion
Pray Always is the perfect gift for any child. Whether for their first Confession, Communion, or even just a birthday, this little prayer book will make a lasting impact on the child closest to you. Along with the basic prayers that every child should know, Pray Always features prayers for every time—every moment—of the day. Accompanied by original, vibrant illustrations, this book is sure to lift the hearts and minds of children to God.
Pray Always will grow with your child, offering an Examination of Conscience and Act of Contrition, as well as prayers for before and after receiving the Eucharist.
Packed with more than 35 prayers and more than 40 beautiful, full-color illustrations, this book will be cherished for years by the beloved child in your life, as it truly teaches them to pray always. Pray Always also features:
• Prayers for a child's family
• A prayer to Mary for mothers
• A prayer to Joseph for fathers
• A guide to praying the Rosary, specifically designed for children
• Brief prayers that can be uttered many times throughout the day
• Short biographies of saints along with a special prayer of intercession geared toward helping children overcome their unique struggles
Pray Always concludes with the Litanies to the Sacred Heart and to Mary, as well as the Divine Praises—more short exultations that will keep Christ in the mind and on the lips of your children, grandchildren, students, or communicants all day long.
Price: $14.95
The Story of Mary: From the Dawn of Time to Today (Textbook)
Phillip Campbell
Campbell’s storybook style brings the narrative to life for young readers, taking them back in time and awakening a love and appreciation for Mary's place in the Church's life.
Children will learn about:
Symbols and prophecies of Mary in the Old Testament
Mary’s life according to the scriptures
The beautiful names and titles the Church accords Our Lady
The history of Marian devotions such as the Rosary, Brown Scapular, and Miraculous Medal
Marian saints and their special love for Our Blessed Mother
The stories of Marian apparitions like Guadalupe, Lourdes, and Fatima
The Church’s understanding of Mary’s place in our salvation
Apologetics for when non-Catholics challenge Marian devotion
Through it all, young readers will see how Mary has remained a constant object of love and a source of devotion for millions of Catholics throughout the centuries—and how she continues to nurture the Church to this day, and lead us all to her Son.
Price: $24.95
The Story of Mary: From the Dawn of Time to Today (Workbook)
Phillip Campbell
In this companion workbook, students will have the supplemental resources they need to dive deeper into the content of The Story of Mary. By blending objective exercises (Matching, True/False, Multiple Choice) with puzzles, arts and crafts, activities, coloring pages, and reflection questions and essay prompts, both the hearts and minds of children will be lifted up so they can better love and understand all things related to Our Lady. This workbook is perfect for upper elementary and lower middle school students, with enough activities in each chapter that it can be catered to the needs of Catholic families and schools. In this introductory course to Mariology, students will learn about:
Marian dogmas like the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption
The many titles of Our Lady and the meaning behind them
The history of Marian devotion within the Church
The messages Our Lady has brought us in her many apparitions
The most famous works of art and architecture created in her honor
Saints who loved Mary with all their heart
Sacramentals and devotions like the Rosary, the Miraculous Medal, and the Brown Scapular
Most of all, this textbook and workbook will teach young Catholics how the primary purpose of all Marian veneration is to grow in love for her Son.
Price: $19.95
The Story of Mary Set
In this beautifully told story of the Church's love of Mary, Phillip Campbell, author of the best-selling Story of Civilization series, immerses children in the Church's Marian piety — scripture, history, theology, devotion, apologetics and more are all covered in this comprehensive introduction to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Walk with Our Lady as she accompanies her son to Calvary, meet wonderful saints who ordered their spiritual lives around the Blessed Mother, and experience wondrous apparitions that have been a source of inspiration to millions. Campbell’s storybook style brings the narrative to life for young readers, taking them back in time and awakening a love and appreciation for Mary's place in the Church's life.
Children will learn about:
Symbols and prophecies of Mary in the Old Testament
Mary’s life according to the scriptures
The beautiful names and titles the Church accords Our Lady
The history of Marian devotions such as the Rosary, Brown Scapular, and Miraculous Medal
Marian saints and their special love for Our Blessed Mother
The stories of Marian apparitions like Guadalupe, Lourdes, and Fatima
The Church’s understanding of Mary’s place in our salvation
Apologetics for when non-Catholics challenge Marian devotion
Through it all, young readers will see how Mary has remained a constant object of love and a source of devotion for millions of Catholics throughout the centuries—and how she continues to nurture the Church to this day, and lead us all to her Son.
Price: $120.00
Various Authors
In this booklet, Fr. Paul O’Sullivan explains Jesus’s Name is much more powerful than most Catholics would ever guess. He demonstrates how easily frequent repetition of the name of Jesus can:
Glorify God
Call on His aid
Pay spiritual debts
Assist souls in Purgatory
Obtain many graces
Protect us from the devil
Help us die a happy death
And much more!
God is always offering His grace to us, and making use the most holy Name of His Son is a traditional and remarkable way to open yourself up to His many gifts. Habitually praying the Name of Jesus, Fr. O’Sullivan explains, is the least-known secret to a happy and holy life.
Price: $9.95
Prayers and Heavenly Promises: Compiled from Approved Sources (Deluxe Leatherette)
Joan Carroll Cruz
This unique book of powerful prayers and devotions compiled by Joan Carroll Cruz includes wonderful promises made by Our Lord or Our Lady, most of which were revealed to famous Saints, including St. Faustina, St. Gertrude, and St. Catherine Labouré. Author Joan Carroll Cruz has carefully selected and compiled devotions to Our Lady, the Infant Jesus, the Precious Blood, the Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, St. Michael, and more in one place so that your daily prayer can be more powerful and more fruitful than ever before.
Among the many treasures in this book you will find:
Supplemental prayers, devotions, and promises to the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet, making these common prayers even more fruitful.
St. Louis de Montfort’s beautiful Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Dozens of devotions to Our Lady from St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Alphonsus Liguori, and others, offer unique promises of grace and blessings
Powerful, in-depth meditations and reflections on Our Lord’s Passion and Death, including the powerful graces promised to St. Martha Mary Chambon
And much more!
The promises set forth in this book show that God is eager to grant us many favors—if we will just pray! Designed to fit in your pocket or purse, you will have these powerful prayers with you at all times.
Price: $18.95
Prayer and Meditation Kit
“If you have lost the taste for prayer, you will regain the desire for it by returning humbly to its practice.” (Blessed Paul VI). The practice of prayer is of the utmost importance for the Christian. The saints themselves describe prayer as a powerful weapon and a key that unlocks the heart of God. Therefore, we ought to fervently seek to cultivate this most virtuous practice. Are you looking to deepen your prayer life? Do you desire to grow in the spiritual life but don’t know where to start? The TAN Prayer and Meditation Kit is the perfect set for you. This collection of 4 TAN titles includes practical spiritual resources that will guide you along the way of meaningful prayer and meditation. Be guided by specially selected spiritual classics on Our Lady, the Rosary, and traditional prayers and meditations as well as the TAN JMJ 12-Month Daily Planner to assist you in incorporating prayer into your daily life. The TAN Prayer and Meditation Kit includes the following titles:
Prayers and Heavenly Promises: Compiled from Approved Sources (Deluxe Leatherette)
The Secret of the Rosary
2024 JMJ 12-Month Daily Planner
Meditations on Mary, Our Mother
Enkindle with your hearts, a profound love of prayer. Attain the TAN Prayer and Meditation Kit today!
Price: $35.00
Angel Food for Boys and Girls (Set of 4)
Fr. Gerald T. Brennan
These four Angel Food books, frosted with Christ-like charm, simplicity, and attractive truths, are here served for the additional delight of the many who have enjoyed other Father Brennan books. The author covers a variety of subjects, including the authority of the Church, Charity, Christmas, Confession, Confirmation, prayers for the dead, pride, visits to the Blessed Sacrament, vocations, Commandments, conscience, the devil, forgiveness of sins, humility, judgment, kindness, love of God, medals, superstition, the rosary, soul, and unanswered prayer. Each volume also has a topical index relating various subjects in the stories to chapters in the Baltimore Catechism (No. 2).
Price: $65.80
Robin Hood the Just: A Catholic Hero
Ellen Tomaszewski
Few fairy tales mention faith, let alone religion. But kids need to see characters who are grounded in faith. Robin Hood the Just is based on a song from the Middle Ages that tells how Robin Hood went to Mass and prayed the rosary. Inspired by Pope John Paul II’s call to the New Evangelization, this story is designed to entertain children while teaching them important basics of the Catholic faith. Intended for preschool aged children.
Price: $14.95
Compendium of Marian Devotions: An Encyclopedia of the Church's Prayers, Dogmas, Devotions, Sacramentals, and Feasts Honoring the Mother of God
Fr. Ed Broom, OMV
She is history’s most famous woman, venerated in each corner of the globe. Cathedrals have been built in her honor. Schools, states, cities and religious orders bear her name. Apparitions of her have captured the attention of the world, and miracles have been attributed to her intercession. For over two thousand years, the Catholic Church has spread devotion to the Mother of God, bringing all the faithful under her maternal mantle. In this single volume, Fr. Ed Broom has compiled an exhaustive encyclopedia of the myriad ways Catholics from the early Church to today have venerated the Virgin Mary. A sweeping tour of history reveals the fascinating and, at times, miraculous origins of the Church’s Marian prayers, dogmas, devotions, sacramentals, feasts and novenas. Still more, Fr. Broom succinctly clarifies the biblical and theological foundations of Marian devotion. Compendium of the Marian Devotions, beautifully designed and eloquently written is a treasure that should grace the bookshelves of every Catholic home. Whether a new convert or a lifelong lover of Our Lady, readers will:
Learn the theological and scriptural foundations of the four Marian dogmas all Catholics must believe
Come to understand Old Testament typology of Mary, such as why she is called the New Eve and the New Ark of the Covenant
Discover the origins of the Rosary, the Miraculous Medal, the Scapular, and so many more prayers and sacramentals
Meet the saints who spread devotion to Mary during their heroic lives, including those who received visions of her
Have a comprehensive resource of the Church’s Marian feasts and prayers
Be introduced to the art, architecture, literature, and music dedicated to the Virgin Mother throughout history
And yet, above all else, Fr. Broom shows us how much our spiritual mother loves us and wants each of her children to enter the Sacred Heart of her Son.
Price: $59.95
The Biblical Roots of Marian Consecration: Devotion to the Immaculate Heart in Light of Scripture
Shane Kapler
Did you know that Marian Consecration is biblical? With roots stretching all the way back to Genesis? Just as Jesus is the only Way to the Father (Jn 14:6), the sole mediator between God and man (1 Tm 2:5), so Mary is the primary mediator and intercessor before her Son. By virtue of the grace given to her as the Mother of God, she is the “Queen of Heaven and Earth.” In this timely book, Shane Kapler uncovers the biblical basis for Marian Consecration. He demonstrates how entrusting oneself to Our Lady—and living this devotion through practices such as praying the Rosary, wearing the Brown Scapular, and keeping the Five First Saturdays—is firmly rooted and foreshadowed in the Old and New Testaments. In Mary, we see the heights to which each of us is called: to be without blemish (Eph 5:27), be glorified in body and soul (1 Cor 15:51–53), and share Christ’s heavenly reign (Rv 3:21). Discover how, like Saint Joseph and Saint John the Apostle, we are invited to share in Mary’s interior life, to fully surrender ourselves to the action of the Holy Spirit, and to begin loving Jesus with her Immaculate Heart. More than ever, the popes have recognized Our Lady of Fatima’s call—as urgent now as it was in 1917—for consecration and devotion to the Immaculate Heart as a reiteration of the Gospel, a plea for Christians to enflesh the message of Scripture. “Blessed are the pure [or ‘immaculate’] in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt 5:8)
Price: $29.95
The Secret of the Rosary (Deluxe Leatherette)
St. Louis de Montfort
Do you pray the Rosary well? With well over 5,000,000 copies sold, The Secret of the Rosary is one of the most beloved classics of Catholic literature as it teaches its readers this very important and spiritually vital thing! Written by St. Louis de Montfort, this short and revelatory book describes the many mysteries of the Rosary and teaches us how to pray it with proper devotion to Our Lady and her son, Jesus Christ. St. Louis discusses the numerous intricacies and beauties of the Rosary with topics like:
Origins of the Rosary
Mysteries of the Rosary
Miraculous effects of the Rosary
Prayers of the rosary
And many more!
St. Louis’s humble but inspiring writing is the perfect way to reencounter the Rosary, or to try the devotion for the first time. A perpetual advocate for the Catholic Church’s honoring of the Blessed Virgin, St. Louis reveals her love for the Church in a new way in his meditations on the Holy Rosary
Price: $22.95
Our Lady of Fatima's Peace Plan from Heaven
“Pray! Pray a great deal. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary have merciful designs on you.” (Page 1) With over 7 million copies sold, this booklet has been proven to be a helpful guide to millions in answering how we can live the Fatima message in our daily lives. Our Lady of Fatima made several requests from each of us individually to bring about the peace of Christ in this world. This book gives you the clear, practical application of this to ourselves, and what we can do to have her Immaculate Heart triumph in our souls. In this concise and thorough booklet, the entire story of Fatima and everything you need to know about it is covered. It explains everything from prophecies, to miracles, to messages, and finally, to Fatima’s meaning for the modern world— you will have all the information you need in your pocket! Our Lady of Fatima’s requests form the “peace plan from Heaven,” our greatest hope for true Christ-like peace. These requests are:
1) penance and reparation,
2) the daily recitation of the Rosary,
3) the five First Saturdays,
and 4) consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary In one of the most important religious events in recent history, Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three children, asking them to pray for the salvation of souls and for an end to the many evils of the modern world. At Fatima, Our Blessed Mother showed her great love for her children and promised us eternal life and peace on earth if we will only place our hope in God
Price: $5.95
The Practice of Humility: 60 Lessons on the Virtue of Virtues
Pope Leo XIII
“Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.” –Saint Augustine Developing the virtue of humility and faithfully endeavoring to practice it is necessary for our salvation. Many times in Sacred Scripture, Our Lord admonishes the proud, elevates the humble, and reminds us that we must become like children to enter into the kingdom of God. Pope Leo XIII, the oldest reigning pope, composed the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel and wrote many encyclicals on the Church’s social teaching and the Rosary. His fidelity to the Church and her many faithful lead him to write this brief but poignant treatise. Within these pages, he delivers sixty lessons filled with practical advice for extinguishing pride and increasing humility. With Pope Leo XIII’s wisdom, by God’s grace, readers will be able to heed Christ’s instruction: “Learn of Me, because I am meek and humble of heart” (Matt. 11:29).
Price: $9.95
Latin Mass Children's Missal
Fr. H. Hoever, PhD
Help your child connect with the mystery of the Mass and feel like an “official” Mass-goer with this smart-looking, insightful missal. With its sharp black cover, gilt lettering, and gold satin ribbon, this Children’s Missal looks great in any young Catholic’s hands, and its sturdy hardcover and pocket size ensure that it will also withstand stand long, devoted usage. Its 137 full-color illustrations and engaging text are sure to keep your child’s attention focused on following the Mass through each of its steps.
It includes a detailed, fully-illustrated walkthrough of each step of the Latin Mass, but is also applicable to the Novus Ordo, especially with recent revisions to the English translation. Pictures and descriptions of the vessels and vestments used in the Mass, as well as a diagram of the “Plan of the Mass,” help little Catholics understand the function and meaning of everything in the Mass.
This missal also contains colorful gospel stories for all Sundays and feast days of the liturgical calendar to engage your child in the Liturgy of the Word: stories such as “The Birth of Jesus” on Christmas Day, “The Wedding Feast at Cana” for the 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany, “Jesus Promises to send the Holy Ghost” on the 4th Sunday of Easter, and over fifty more!
In addition to prayers before and after Holy Communion and Mass, it also has many daily prayers, such as morning and evening prayers; acts of faith, hope, and love; the Stations of the Cross; the Mysteries of the Rosary; a guide to Confession, and more.
Your child will feel involved and part of the Mass, integrated into the Body of Christ and the community of the Church, with the Children’s Missal as his or her aid.
Price: $19.95