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Text of The Third Secret of Fatima Prophecy Approved by Vatican - Complete
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Sr. Faustina
CATHOLIC BIBLES (Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions)
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio Tapes, Videos
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THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE - Now in Larger Print!
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?
Opportunities with
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We Wait in Joyful Hope
Carol Ameche
reprint of Carol Ameche's earlier two books, this book
is a rare find among today's proliferation of writings
on the end times. This book gives us that heavenly gaze
to walk in the shelter of the Lord during these difficult
times. The reader is taken on a spiritual journey beyond
the rigors of Divine Justice, to discover the tender,
loving mercy of God. Reprint.
Order #3624 / $8.75
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of Love
Carol Ameche
book is a collection of answers to questions from readers
of Carol Ameche's writings. It also contains her locutions
since 1996 which have not been published in book form.
In addition, it is a workbook (gathered from all the
warnings and teachings of Jesus and Mary) of spiritual
direction for the coming days. It is also a collection
of meditations from Carol and others on ways of preparing
and understanding for the months and years ahead. It
also serves as a reflection we need in order to renew
our minds and hearts about who Mary of Nazareth is,
what a gift she is, how important she is in the plan
of the Father for the salvation of his people.
Order #3623 / $8.75
Click Here to Order - Order Information
the Millennium
John Bird
Blessed Lady comes to lead humanity towards the Age
of Her Divine Spouse, the One True Spirit. By the grace
of God, Her visible presence is manifested more and
more in every country of the world, and Her voice is
heard more clearly than ever before, as Jesus continues
to pour out the love of His Divine Heart and His mercy
on an ungrateful humanity.
Order #3741 / $10.85
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Whatever Love Requires
Carol Ameche & Harriet Hammons
Order #3621 / $6.75
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Whatever Love Requires (Supplement)
Carol Ameche & Harriet Hammons
Order #3622 / $1.95
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Ida Peerdeman
Experiences contains the mystical visions and messages
of Ida Peerdeman received during Holy Mass from 1970
to 1984.
Order #3592 / $9.75
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Light Of Love: My Angel Shall Go Bef
To look at Patricia Devlin, it would be unlikely that
you'd want to trade places with her. Most of her days
are filled with pain and suffering. Patricia is able
to communicate with her Guardian Angel. She has recorded
all of these messages laboriously in her journal. These
messages provide insight and a greater understanding
of topics like: Heaven, Hell, sin, forgiveness, love,
joy, sorrow, and pain.
Order #3401 / $12.75
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume I: July 1993 - June 1994
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. July 1993 to June 1994
Order #3461 / $7.75
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume II - July 1994 to June 1995
John Leary
t was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume II - July 1994 to June 1995
Order #3462 / $8.75
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for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume III - July 1995 to July 11, 1996
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume III - July 1995 to July 11,
Order #3463 / $8.75
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume IV - July 11, 1996 to September 30, 1996
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume IV - July 11, 1996 to Sept.
30, 1996
Order #3464 / $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume X - January 1, 1998 to March 31, 1998
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume X - Jan. 1, 1998 to Mar. 31,
Order #3470 / $9.75
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume XII - July 1, 1998 to September 30, 1998
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume XII - July 1, 1998 to Sep.
30, 1998
Order #3472 / $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume XIII - October 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume XIII - Oct. 1, 1998 to Dec.
31, 1998
Order #3473 / $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume IX - October 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume IX - Oct. 1, 1997 to Dec.
31, 1997
Order #3469 / $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume V - October 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume V - Oct. 1, 1996 to Dec. 31,
Order #3465 / $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume VI - January 1, 1997 to March 31, 1997
John Leary
t was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume VI - Jan. 1, 1997 to Mar.
31, 1997
Order #3466 / $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume VIII - July 1, 1997 to September 30, 1997
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume VIII - July 1, 1997 to Sep.
30, 1997
Order #3468 / $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Volume XIV - January 1, 1998 to March 31, 1999
John Leary
It was in July of 1993 that Almighty God, especially
through Jesus, His Eternal Word, entered the life of
John Leary in a most remarkable way. The messages that
are contained in these special volumes will change the
way you view your life on earth; all you need to do
is listen with an open mind. In doing so, you'll receive
many insights into the kind of relationship God wishes
to establish with you and come to understand God's plan
for salvation. You'll witness the love He has for us
and how much He yearns for our response. If you are
interested in knowing what the future holds for America
and how we must prepare for the times ahead, read these
vitally important books. Beautiful Josyp Terelya illustrations
grace each volume. Volume XIV - Jan. 1, 1998 to Mar.
31, 1999
Order #3474 / $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Love to "Love"
Compiled by Harriet Hammons
This daily meditation book is truly inspired. It contains
teachings from Jesus and Mary, some of the Saints as
well as some from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.
These messages of love will be an aid in your daily
walk with the Most Holy Trinity. It will give much hope
and consolation to those in need. These meditations
are about LOVE. They are about returning love for love,
TO LOVE. This book will be a necessary tool for all
as we journey into the new millennium with God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The meditations
will take us step-by-step to a personal relationship
with the Most Holy Trinity.
Order #3625 / $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Amazing Secret of the Souls in Purgatory
Sister Emmanuel
Sister Emmanuel interviews Maria Simma who has the charism
of being able to see and talk to the souls in Purgatory.
Answers questions like: Who decides if a soul goes to
Purgatory?, How to get a soul released from Purgatory?,
How can we avoid Purgatory?, What are the sins that
most lead to Purgatory?, and more. 44 pp. 5 1/2 X 8
Order #3651 / $5.75
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Light of Love
Patricia Devlin
To look at Patricia Devlin, it would be unlikely that
you'd want to trade places with her. Most of her days
are filled with pain and suffering. Patricia is able
to communicate with her Guardian Angel. She has recorded
all of these messages laboriously in her journal. These
messages provide insight and a greater understanding
of topics like: Heaven, Hell, sin, forgiveness, love,
joy, sorrow, and pain.
Order #3401 / $12.75
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Messages of the Lady of all Nations
Ida Peerdeman
The Messages of the Lady of All Nations presents the
words and images the visionary Ida Peerdeman of Amsterdam
received from the Blessed Virgin Mary from the Spring
of 1945 to May 31, 1959. On May 31, 1996 His Excellency
Hendrik Bomers, Bishop of Haarlem, gave the "Nihil Obstat"
approving devotion to the Lady of All Nations.
Order #3591 / $7.75
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Virgin Mary, Fr. Gobbi and the Year 2000
Paul Mihalik
This book digests and summarizes 1,034 pages of locutions
received by Fr. Gobbi from the Blessed Mother in which
She details the serious problems in the Church with
the laity, the priesthood, and the hierarchy. Mr. Mihalik
clearly explains the meaning of these messages including
the Second Advent, the Second Coming, the Second Pentecost,
the End Times, and the Final Coming. He expresses the
sense of urgency in Our Lady's messages from other visionaries.
Mr Mihalik's interpretations of possible coming events
are based on Mary's own words to Fr. Gobbi. He has provided
a very convenient guide to understanding the tribulation,
warning, chastisement, and the glorious renewal of the
Catholic Faith. His perceptions result in special insights
which seem to have eluded many who are familiar with
Fr. Gobbi's voluminous messages. He has created a very
helpful, informative, and spiritually enlightening book.
Fr. Gobbi's book has received the Imprimatur of the
Order #3692 / $9.75
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Voice of Prophecy Today
Fr. Edward O'Conner
The Voice of Prophecy Today summarizes some of the main
themes of contemporary prophecy, followed by a brief
reflection. Fr. O'Conner suggests that, between a gullibility
that swallows all these messages uncritically, and a
rationalism which, in the name of good sense, shuts
the door on every claim without even examining it, there
may be a middle ground more in keeping with the visions
of faith.
Order #3392 / $1.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Josyp Terelya and shocking predictions of this Visionary of Ukraine
Co-authored by Michael H. Brown
Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. - New Books and CD's
Marian Books of Queenship
of John Leary - Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace
Alleged messages from Our Lord and Our Lady received in Scottsdale, Arizona,
by the young adult prayer group at St. Maria Goretti Church.

Vol. I-Sept. 1988-Sept. 1989 144 pg.
Click Here to Order - Order Information

Vol. II-Sept. 1989-April 1990 112 pg.
Click Here to Order - Order Information

I AM YOUR JESUS OF MERCY - VOLUME III Vol. III-May 1990-July 1991 96 pg. $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information

Vol. IV-Mid. 1991 - Early 1993 $6.95
Click Here to Order - Order Information

Vol. V- Nov. 1994 - Nov. 1995
Click Here to Order - Order Information

Vol. VI- March 1996 - Jan. 1999 $10.85
Click Here to Order - Order Information

The bountiful graces of Eucharistic Adoration are flowing thanks to a
widespread revival of this beautiful devotion.
This booklet was designed to enhance your time spent with Jesus in the
Blessed Sacrament.
It includes a prayer format to use in Adoration with rosary meditations,
prayers and spontaneous meditation topics. 120 pg.
Click Here to Order - Order Information

The phenomenal success of the first volume of prayers to be used in Eucharistic
Adoration and
Holy Hours led to the completion of a second book. It contains additional
meditations for prayer time but no traditional prayers. 64 pg.
Click Here to Order - Order Information

An all-time best-selling treasury of contemporary and traditional prayers
including a beautiful Scriptural
Rosary, Jesus Rosary, litanies, and Seven Sorrows Chaplet. Excellent for
prayer groups or individual use. 96 pg.
$10.85 (English)
Click Here to Order - Order Information

(El Libro de Oro de las Oraciones)
all-time best-selling treasury of contemporary and traditional prayers
including a beautiful Scriptural Rosary,
Jesus Rosary, litanies, and Seven Sorrows Chaplet. Excellent for prayer
groups or individual use. 96 pg.
$10.85 (Spanish)
Click Here to Order - Order Information
Moving Mountains by Living Eucharistically
by Rev. George W. Kosicki, C.S.B.
Fr. Kosicki tells us that the ultimate
in intercession is to offer one's life for others as Jesus did. Includes
Church teachings on intercession and explains how our daily sacrifices
can be used to benefit others. 112 pg.
$7.00 Ordering Information
Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. - New Books and CD's
Gift of Tongues Workshops - CD
Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J.
Price $12.95
Through the Rosary - CD
Songs & Prayers"
2CDs, more music with "Ave Maria"
Fr. Robert DeGrandis,. S.S.J. and Cecilia Kittley
Audio 2CDs
Price $21.95
and Pray - CD
for Healing
"The Lord's Prayer", "Wings", "You are Mine"
Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. and Cecilia Kittley
Audio CD
Price $15.95
- CD (New)
Based on The Chaplet of the Divine
Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. and Cecilia Kittley
Story, Songs & Prayers
Audio CD
Price $15.95
- CD (New)
Inspirational Christian music CD Cecilia with her brother, Jamey
Cecilia with Jamen
Vocalist in "Healing Through the Rosary"
with Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J.
Schubert's Ave Maria, Wings, On My Knees
Audio CD Price $15.95
Passion Book - (New)
For Those Who Seek "Healing"
Eugene Peter Koshenina and Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J.
Book 178 pages
Price $10.00
Rosary Heals - Book
Untold Stories of Jesus
Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous Mysteries
Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. and Eugene Peter Koshenina
Book 134 Pages
Price $8:00
Healing of the Family and The Story
- (New)
Healing of the Family and The Story"
by Fr. Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. and Eugene Peter Koshenina
Book - Price $5.00
Robert DeGrandis, S.S.J. - Books
Author |
Type |
Sale Price |
Healing the Broken Heart
Stories of Forgiveness and Healing.
Stories of forgiveness and healing. True stories about
real people who have struggled with Jesus' commandment to
forgive. A weekly format focusing on one aspect of forgiveness
for each day. Each chapter includes an introduction, several
testimonies and a meditation with specific steps to follow
for healing. Contains special meditations for those who have
experienced abortions, miscarriages or stillbirths. Paperback,
5.5 x 8, 108 pages.
DeGrandis |
book |
$7.00 |
Resting in the Spirit (Out of Print)
Fr. DeGrandis explores the biblical foundations of and
attempts to define "Resting in the Spirit (Out of Print)", often
referred to as being "slain in the Spirit." He writes
specifically about the experience of full surrender of the
body during prayer for healing when a person can be literally
overwhelmed by the power of the Holy Spirit and falls to the
ground in a peaceful state of prayer. He provides survey statistics,
incorporates numerous testimonies and helps to diffuse much
of the confusion and misunderstanding regarding this gift
of the Holy Spirit. Paperback, 5 x 8, 132 pages.
DeGrandis |
book |
Out of Print |
Renewed By The Spirit
(DeGrandis, Rev Robert)
Nine priests from different countries, backgrounds and age
groups share with candor and honesty what their lives were
like before the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how God has
transformed them. A short, powerful book to give a priest,
or to build up your own faith. Charismatic!
DeGrandis |
book |
Out of Print |
The Gift of Prophecy
An overview of the spiritual gift of prophecy. Chapters
include Questions and Answers; An Interview on Prophecy; Personal
Testimonies; Ten Guidelines on Prophecy; Scriptures on Prophecy
and More. Offers encouragement and practical advice for those
who think that the Lord might be calling them to prophesy.
Paperback, 5.5 X 8, 80 pages.
DeGrandis |
book |
$7.00 |
Growing in Jesus - OUT OF PRINT
DeGrandis |
book |
$6.00 |
The Ten Commandments of Prayer - OUT OF PRINT
DeGrandis |
book |
$4.00 |
Introduction to Spiritual Warfare
Setting the Captives Free.
A guide to spiritual warfare with chapters that include Thoughts
on Liberation; Questions and Answers; Testimonies; Spiritual
Warfare Prayer; and more. Paperback, 4 x 7, 72 pages.
DeGrandis |
book |
$4.00 |
Testimony of Fr. R. DeGrandis, SSJ
Here's your chance to meet this remarkable Catholic priest
and learn his personal story! Fr. DeGrandis shares how God
changed him from a social worker into a disciple of Jesus
with a healing ministry that has touched thousands. A powerful
story that will help you be more open to the charisms of the
Holy Spirit in your life.
DeGrandis |
book |
$3.00 |
Integrating Healing in the Parish Community
Fr. Robert Degrandis
DeGrandis |
book |
$3.00 |
Real presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist
DeGrandis |
book |
$5.00 |
to Serve
A pastoral manual for charismatic prayer meetings from
a long-time charismatic priest who knows what he's talking
about. It's not just for leaders-though they will find much
helpful and practical guidance-but also for every responsible
member of a prayer group. Fr. DeGrandis' breadth of experience
is unparalleled. His simple message: the gospel is all about
living and healing. Paper, 5.25 x 8, 116 pages.
DeGrandis |
book |
$8.00 |
Pray your Way to Happiness - OUT OF PRINT
Do you sometimes wonder if your prayer time is worth it,
whether you're doing it "right," why you don't see
"results? Here's an easy-to-read, scriptural explanation
of how prayer works and why we should persevere in it. Explains
how prayer changes us, not God, and how God always answers
prayer. Includes lots of stories. 124 pages.
DeGrandis |
book |
$4.00 |
Spiritual Warfare Prayer Card
Fr. DeGrandis' sister shares her insights based on over 25 years experience. Helpful for leaders involved in ministry. 4 X 7.5, 2-sided laminated card - OUT OF PRINT
DeGrandis |
Card |
$1.50 |
Prayer for Priests
DeGrandis |
book |
$1.00 |
Prayer for Leaders
DeGrandis |
book |
$1.00 |
Prayers for Spiritual Warfare
(DeGrandis, Rev Robert)
A little prayer booklet for daily use. Includes Prayer of Authority,
Prayer for Infilling of the Holy Spirit, and many passages from
Scripture. Booklet, 5 x 8, 7 pages. |
DeGrandis |
book |
$2.00 |
Prayers for Everyday
by Father Robert DeGrandis
Minute meditations for every day containing a Scripture reading,
a reflection and a prayer. Inspiring prayers for the healing
of soul and body. Vinyl cover, 4 x 6, 192 pages.
DeGrandis |
book |
through the Mass
Degrandis & Schubert
Describes how prayerful participation in the Mass can bring
about healing. Presents each step of the Mass and carefully
explains how it can be prayed in such a way as to deepen our
understanding of the Lord's desire to heal. Paper, 5 x 8,
174 pages.
DeGrandis |
book |
$8.95 |
y Sanacion Interior (Forgiveness and Inner Healing)
Degrandis & Tapscott
(Asociacion Maria Santificadora)
With lots of scriptures and extended sample prayers. Paperback,
5 x 8, 30 pages.
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