Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica, Segunda Edicion
ID #: 976
Our Sunday Visitor is proud to offer the Spanish version of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition.
This second edition:
- Incorporates all the final modifications made in the official Latin text.
- Provides a much more complete index.
- Contains a brand new glossary of terms.
- Includes Pope John Paul II's 1997 decree promulgating the official Latin text.
- Is THE official Spanish translation.
Saints of Africa
By Vincent J. O'Malley, C.M
ID #: 373
Over 117 million Catholics live in Africa - almost twice as many as in the United States. Is it any surprise that the saints of Africa number in the thousands? They include three popes, three Doctors of the Church, eight Fathers of the Church, thousands of martyrs, hundreds of monks, plus countless religious and lay leaders. Yet, how many of us can name even a handful of these saints?
Saints of Africa presents a cross section of these remarkable men and women. From the earliest defenders of the Faith to twentieth-century martyrs, they bear witness to the remarkable sanctity of the world's second-largest and second-most-populous continent.
Read the stories of these Christian heroes and heriones of African origin or African descent whose influence touches all of our lives.
Catholic Dictionary, Revised
ID #: 390
By Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas, Ph.D., S.T.D.
Easy-to-use pronunciation guide and complete history of Catholic terminology in a handy pocket size.
What Catholics Believe
By Mike Aquilina/Fr. Kris D. Stubna
ID #: 574
Catholics of a certain age fondly remember the Baltimore Catechism, the gold standard question-and-answer catechism that provided an entire generation of Catholics with easy-to-understand-and-memorize answers to the basic truths of the Catholic Church.
The authors have taken this time-honored question-and-answer format and written a new catechism rooted in the Catechism of the Catholic Churchand the documents of Vatican II.
From the very first question: "Who are you?" to the final "What prayers does the Church recommend?" this sure-to-become-a-classic is filled with the richness of Catholic teaching. In addition to the question-and-answer section, What Catholics Believe also contains sections on traditional Catholic prayers, a guide to making a good Confession, an explanation of the Mass, and much, much more.
Father McBride's Teen Catechism
By Alfred McBride, O.Praem.
ID #: 704
Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Never condescending, this book answers the questions teenagers really ask about the Faith.
A Pocket Catechism for Kids
ID #: 722
By Rev. Kris Stubna/Mike Aquilina
From the very first "Who are you?" to the final "What other prayers does the Church recommend?" A Pocket Catechism for Kids is the ideal introduction to the treasures of the Catholic Faith for children in kindergarten through grade 8.
Pastoral Answers
By M. Francis Mannion
ID #: 725
Honest answers to the toughest questions.
Tough questions deserve honest answers, and Monsignor Mannion has been giving us those answers every week in Our Sunday Visitor. Now the most probing questions from his columns are answered in this book, newly organized by topic for easy reference.
Is there ever a time when premarital sex is okay? Do cats and dogs go to heaven? How can God "lead us into temptation"?
These are the questions sincere Catholics ask over and over, and Monsignor Mannion always gives us the straight answers - but always in his kind and gently humorous way, leading us to understand not only the answer to the question but also why the answer is what it is.
Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices
By Ann Ball
ID #: 910
From 'Aachen'* to 'Zapopan'**
Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practicesis fascinating reading, spiritual nourishment, and historical data in a one-of-a-kind reference tool.
Universal devotions and worldwide practices are examined and explained, in addition to ethnic and regional customs and traditions. (Hispanic, Filipino, Vietnamese, Russian, Irish, Italian, and more!)
This is the source that tells you:
- The origin of a practice or devotion (the person, the place, the event, the petition asked for and answered).
- How it developed over centuries. (And, in some cases, how it flourished and then faded away. Or flourished and then was suppressed.)
- How it's observed today. (And how you can observe it.)
First Friday, flowers by the altar, vestment colors, visiting cemeteries, Mardi Gras, scapulars, bells, incense, holy water, Our Lady of Fatima, the Sacred Heart, St. Anthony as patron of finding lost items, St. Therese of Lisieux's Little Way, Divine Mercy, World Youth Day. You'll find those and more in Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices.
*Aachen: German city that's home to Aix La Chapell, a pilgrimage shrine built by Charlemagne.
**Zapopan: The annual procession of Our Lady of Zapopan, Mexico, which begins on June 13.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition
ID #: 976
The official Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition clearly spells out the Church's beliefs on:
- Love and marriage
- Children
- God, creation, humanity, life, death, and the afterlife
- Mary, the Church, the saints, and the sacraments
- And much, much more.
Why a "second edition"? Revised to conform completely with the official Latin text promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1997, the book now also includes an extensive glossary and analytical index to make it even more "user friendly."
Unlike the catechism you may have used as a child, the official Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition, doesn't have a question-and-answer format. Designed for lay use, it can be read from cover-to-cover or, with its handy index, used as a resource to find a specific teaching on a specific topic.
A "must" for every Catholic household. It's also the perfect gift for graduation, Confirmation, birthdays, Christmas, and Mother's or Father's Day. (And a great addition to your own library to help you learn even more about the Church and be better able to explain its beliefs to others!)
The Scripture Source Book for Catholics
By Rev. Peter Klein
ID #: CU0996
The Scripture Source Book for Catholics is a collection of information about Scripture gathered to help people of faith learn about the Catholic understanding and interpretation of Scripture and enrich their lives through reflection on the Word of God.
The Catholic Source Book
By Rev. Peter Klein
ID #: CU0997
The Catholic Source Book is a comprehensive collection of information gathered to help people of faith learn, renew, teach, and live the risen life of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church.
Essentials of the Faith, Updated: A Guide to the Catechism
By Alfred McBride, O.Praem.
ID #: T30
A Guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Father McBride's guided tour of the Catechism has already become a classic. Now this new edition brings it right up to date.
What makes this book different? It's the way it brings the timeless teachings of the Catechism right into your life today. Reflections, prayers, and daily actions help you live the Christian life we believe in. Father McBride understands that being a Christian means not just knowing, but also doing.
Accessible, topical, and as timely as today's news, this is the book for anyone who wants to understand the Catechism better - and for anyone who wants to live a more truly Christian life.
An Introduction To Moral Theology, 2nd Edition
By William E. May
ID #: T49
Faith & Morals
Here - carefully documented, footnoted, and indexed - is not only what the Church teaches but also why it is obligated to do so. And, why its members are obligated to examine and to apply that teaching.
This updated and expanded edition of a text long trusted and widely used in colleges, universities, and seminaries (as well as in high schools and parish religious-education programs), offers the latest Catholic teaching on moral theology, including:
- Moral theology: its nature, purpose, and biblical foundation
- Human dignity, free human action, virtue, and conscience
- Natural law, moral absolutes, and sin
- Christian faith and our moral life
Read why - and how - living what the Church teaches can transform hearts, minds, and souls.
Encyclopedia of Catholic History, Revised
By Matthew E. Bunson, D.Min.
ID #: T77
An updated version of the critically acclaimed and best-selling reference work first published in 1995.
Still the most comprehensive single-volume compendium on the Church's past - from Pentecost morning to today's pontiff. OSV's Encyclopedia of Catholic History, Revised, gives you:
The Teaching of Christ, 5th Edition
By Donald Cardinal Wuerl/Ronald Lawler, O.F.M. Cap./Thomas Comerford
ID #: T146
Lawler/Kris D. Stubna
Translated into 13 languages and used world-wide, The Teaching of Christ has been widely used and profoundly influential throughout the universal Church since it was published 25 years ago.
The fifth edition updates this perennial best-seller with the lastest Church documents. Now, as always, faithful to official Catholic teaching, this is the complete catechism for adults that is presented in an easy-to-understand style.
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults
ID #: T376
- ISBN: 9781574554502
- ID #: T376
- Copyright: 2006
- Pages: 638
- Availability: Usually ships next business day
A Pocket Guide to the Mass
By Michael Dubruiel
ID #: T383
Get the most out of the Mass...
A Pocket Guide to the Mass walks you through the biblical basis of prayers, the meaning behind gestures, and a brief overview of the spirituality that brings Catholics together for Eucharist each week.
Reenergize your time at Mass or help those who are new or returning to the Church with this quick and insightful overview. Rediscover the fullness of the Mass today!
The Mass of the Early Christians, 2nd Edition
By Mike Aquilina
ID #: T419
What did the first Christians believe about the Eucharist?
How did they follow Jesus' command, "Do this in remembrance of me"?
How did they celebrate the Lord's Day?
What would they recognize in today's Mass?
The answers may surprise you.
In The Mass of the Early Christians, respected author, scholar, and television host Mike Aquilina reveals the Church's most ancient Eucharistic beliefs and practices. Using the words of the early Christians themselves -- from many documents and inscriptions -- Aquilina traces the history of the Mass from Jesus' lifetime through the fourth century. That the Mass stood at the center of the Church's life is evident in the Scriptures, as well as the earliest Christian sermons, letters, artwork, tombstones, and architecture. Even the pagans bore witness to the Mass in the records of their persecutions.
These legacies from the early Church bear witness to the same worship Catholics know today: the altar, the priest, the chalice of wine, the bread, the Sign of the Cross ... the "Lord, have mercy" ... the "Holy, holy, holy" ... and the Communion.
Signs and Mysteries: Revealing Ancient Christian Symbols
By Mike Aquilina
ID #: T687
Imagine the dangerous life of an early Christian. You've embraced your newfound faith in Christ but fear the risk of persecution or death at the hands of the pagans living around you. Then a trusted friend tells you about some of Jesus' followers who secretly meet. He whispers into your ear, "Look for a fish carved in a paving stone" by a certain home on the Via Tiburtina. You smile in gratitude.
Still today, modern society recognizes those Christian symbols that kept the early Christians safely connected: they appear on churches, bumper stickers, mugs -- even mints and stuffed animals. Yet we are often ignorant of the rich meaning of these symbols: their origins in Scripture, in ancient culture, and in the preaching of the Church Fathers.
In this book, noted author Mike Aquilina conducts an intriguing and insightful tour of the symbols that expressed the life and devotion of the Church through the first four centuries of its existence. He explains how Christians freely borrowed pagan and Jewish symbols, giving them new, distinctly Christian meanings. Recover the zeal of our spiritual ancestors as you learn to read their symbolic language -- and discover the impact the symbols still have on your life today.
More than a hundred illustrations, reproduced by artist Lea Marie Ravotti from the ancient originals, beautifully complement the text.
Encyclopedia of U.S. Catholic History
By Matthew Bunson Margaret Bunson, Illustrations by Margaret Bunson
ID #: T965
Catholics have always played a critical role in the forward progress of the United States in every area of our society - science, industry, philosophy, business, medicine, entertainment, and even politics.
Here's just a taste of the impact of the Catholic Church in the U.S.:
- In 1791, the Catholic architect Pierre Charles L'Enfant designed the "Federal City" that became Washington, D.C.
- In 1797, John Barry became the first Catholic Commodore in American history and is honored as the Father of the American Navy.
- In 1802, the Catholic Judge Joseph Brent, was named the first Mayor of Washington.
- In 1836, Roger B. Taney became the first Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court and the first Chief Justice.
- Over 500 Catholic nuns ministered to the sick and wounded in the American Civil War.
- In 1880 William Russell Grace became the first Catholic mayor of New York City.
- In 1828, Alfred E. Smith was the first Catholic ever to be chosen to head a major party national ticket.
- The Catholic Worker Movement was established in 1933 by Dorothy Day, a devout Catholic convert.
- In WWII, Catholics comprised over 25% of the Armed Forces.
- In 1960, John F. Kennedy became the first Catholic to be elected president.
- In 2012, Catholic comprise more than one-fifth of the entire U.S. population.
These represent a tiny fraction of the fascinating facts you'll find in Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of the American Catholic Church. This encyclopedia is a valuable and unique reference guide. And is the first ever handy, accessible, affordable, and unbiased reference to American Catholicism.
With over 2,000 entries from A to Z, you'll be amazed by the depth and breadth of information that will illustrate the Church's contribution to each state in the Union. Plus you'll be able to research your own special interests, such as the history of your own diocese. This is the most thorough treatment of American Catholic history you'll find!
Resisting the Devil: A Catholic Perspective on Deliverance
By Neal Lozano
ID #: T1030
Find Your Way to Spiritual Freedom
Do you find yourself struggling with a particular sin or dysfunction over and over again? Do you feel hopeless in finding freedom despite your best efforts? Do you still feel guilty, ashamed, and doomed to repeat a besetting sin, even after receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation?
In Resisting the Devil, author Neal Lozano shows that sometimes evil spirits tell us lies that lock us into sins and personal problems. He explains the practice of deliverance, a way of dealing with such demonic influences that is supported by the teaching and tradition of the Catholic Church. Lozano's "Unbound" Model, based on three decades of experience in deliverance ministry, builds a bridge between the sacrament of Reconciliation and exorcism. People only very rarely need exorcism.
Readers of Resisting the Devil: A Catholic Perspective on Deliverance will
- Learn how to recognize the activity of evil spirits
- See how deliverance from spiritual bondage can be gentle, safe, and effective
- Understand how deliverance differs from exorcism and how deliverance and Reconciliation can work together
- Read the testimonies of women and men who have been freed through deliverance ministry
"Resisting the Devil is a thoughtful work that facilitates a balanced dialogue between deliverance ministry and the Church's rite of exorcism. I warmly recommend this book to anyone journeying with individuals variously afflicted by the Evil One." -- Rev. Jeffrey S. Grob, Associate Vicar for Canonical Services for the Archdiocese of Chicago
Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints, Second Edition
By Matthew Bunson Margaret Bunson Illustrations by Margaret Bunson, Foreword by Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York
ID #: T1420
From Aaron to Zygmunt
And 10,000 in between - here are the "holy ones" of the Church!
Now updated to include canonizations approved by Pope Francis including St. John Paul II and St. John XXIII!
Whether you're a young student, or serious scholar, or someone who is just curious about the lives of the saints, this is the Encyclopedia for you! Now in its second edition, Our Sunday Visitor's Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints, Second Edition puts massive amounts of information at your fingertips, including:
- Patron saints
- Various spellings of saints names
- Details of the saint's life in the context of his or her times
- Companion martyrs and family members
- A calendar of feast days
- A complete history of the canonization process
- Doctors of the Church
- Canonized popes
- Emblems of the saints
- Documents from the Council of Trent and Vatican Council II
- And much more!
Completely indexed and cross-referenced for easy searching, Encyclopedia of Saints is also a fun book to simply browse through and find new saints and blessed you want to get to know!
Catholic Encyclopedia for Children
By Ann Ball/Julianne M. Will
ID #: T1707
Fascinating stories and captivating illustrations delight children as they discover and explore the basics of the Catholic Church!
Here are:
- The great people and events of the Bible
- The life and message of Jesus
- The history of the early Church
- Lives of the saints
- Fundamental Catholic beliefs and practices
- And more!
This kid-friendly resource is the ideal read-aloud text for kids in kindergarten through second-grade. It's one that has third- and fourth-graders happily proclaiming, "I can read it myself!"
Unlike most encyclopedias, the format is similar to a storybook, with information presented in a topical style rather than alphabetically. Whether they're listening or reading, youngsters will keep an eye out for "Ichthus", the friendly fish who acts as their guide throughout.
Parents, grandparents, and godparents: This is a perfect First Holy Communion, Christmas, or birthday gift. Librarians, catechists, classroom, and homeschool teachers: This is the solid, Catholic - entertaining! - resource you've been looking for.
2016 Catholic Almanac
By Matthew E. Bunson, D.Min.
- ID #: T1709
- he absolute best source for trustworthy, accurate, up-to-date information
Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Almanac remains the only annual, comprehensive guide to the Catholic Church. Published annually since 1904, this compendium of information is THE authoritative source for all your most up-to-date facts on the Catholic Church.
With thousands of intriguing facts and essential details on a wide range of Catholic subjects, this almanac is completely updated every year and packed with topics relevant for researchers, homilists, writers, media professionals, students, parents, librarians, and teachers.
The Catholic Almanac is arranged by subject, providing timely and timeless information on the year in review, doctrine of the Catholic Church, dates and events in Catholic history, and the life of the Church in the world. The in-depth index makes finding specific information simple.
Each year the Almanac is packed with facts and features that make research quick and easy and include:
- Canon Law
- Glossary of Catholic Terms
- Church Calendar
- Scripture
- Social Teaching
- Sacraments
- Saints
- Church History
- Encyclicals
- National and World Statistics
"Our Sunday Visitor claims this work is the 'one and only Catholic resource,' and 'simply the best annual guide to the Catholic Church anywhere.' These are bold statements, but accurate. . . This excellent work is especially useful for those interested in either the Roman Catholic Church or the Holy See. . . . It is informative, easy to use, and well written." - American Reference Books Manual
Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home
By Pope Francis
ID #: T1753
“In the heart of this world, the Lord of life, who loves us so much, is always present. He does not abandon us, he does not leave us alone, for he has united himself definitively to our earth, and his love constantly impels us to find new ways forward. Praise be to him!” – Pope Francis, Laudato Si’
In his second encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis draws all Christians into a dialogue with every person on the planet about our common home. We as human beings are united by the concern for our planet, and every living thing that dwells on it, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. Pope Francis’ letter joins the body of the Church’s social and moral teaching, draws on the best scientific research, providing the foundation for “the ethical and spiritual itinerary that follows.” Laudato Si’outlines:
- The current state of our “common home”
- The Gospel message as seen through creation
- The human causes of the ecological crisis
- Ecology and the common good
- Pope Francis’ call to action for each of us
Our Sunday Visitor has included discussion questions, making it perfect for individual or group study, leading all Catholics and Christians into a deeper understanding of the importance of this teaching.
Scripture Footnotes: The World of Jesus
By George Martin
ID #: T1846
National Directory for Catechesis English
- ID #: X229
- Jesus commanded his followers to go, proclaim the Gospel, and bring others into communion with God. As they respond to that call, leaders in catechesis and education find their inspiration for catechesis in the National Directory for Catechesis.This much-awaited companion to the General Directory for Catechesis builds on the core themes of the GDC (like catechesis's relationship to evangelism and worship), serves as a reference point for forming catechists and developing resources, and provides practical tools for doing catechesis well.
Study Guide for the U.S. Adult Catholic Catechism
ID #: X257
By Jem Sullivan, Ph.D.
This practical and easy-to-use guide is a one-of-a-kind companion handbook to the wealth of Church teachings contained in the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults. Based on the same outline. |
Compendium: Catechism of the Catholic Church
ID #: X317
Pope Benedict XVI gives the Church the "food" that it seeks in the 598 questions and answers in the Compendium, Catechism of the the Catholic Church. This volume offers a quick synopsis of the essential contents of the Faith as promulgated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Like the 1992 Catechism, the Compendium has a four-part structure, and includes a section on common prayers and Catholic doctrinal formulas. Because of the question-and-answer format, catechetical leaders -- parents, pastors, teachers, principals, and catechists -- have a unique opportunity to dialogue with the faithful, and reinvigorate the Church's ongoing mission of evangelization and catechesis. Individuals can come "to know the unfathomable riches of the salvific mystery of Jesus Christ" by reading, using, and memorizing parts of the Compendium. An essential tool for youth and young adults, the Compendiumis the perfect companion to a youth or young adult's Bible, spiritual reading, or textbook. Catechetical leaders in high schools, colleges, and parishes will appreciate its versatility -- as a reference book, discussion starter, or core resource for RCIA programs.
Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Spanish Edition
D #: X1146
Pope Benedict XVI gives the Church the "food" that it seeks in the 598 questions and answers in the Compendium, Catechism of the the Catholic Church. This volume offers a quick synopsis of the essential contents of the Faith as promulgated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Like the 1992 Catechism, the Compendium has a four-part structure, and includes a section on common prayers and Catholic doctrinal formulas. Because of the question-and-answer format, catechetical leaders -- parents, pastors, teachers, principals, and catechists -- have a unique opportunity to dialogue with the faithful, and reinvigorate the Church's ongoing mission of evangelization and catechesis. Individuals can come "to know the unfathomable riches of the salvific mystery of Jesus Christ" by reading, using, and memorizing parts of the Compendium. An essential tool for youth and young adults, the Compendium is the perfect companion to a youth or young adult's Bible, spiritual reading, or textbook. Catechetical leaders in high schools, colleges, and parishes will appreciate its versatility -- as a reference book, discussion starter, or core resource for RCIA programs.
Study Guide for the U.S. Adult Catholic Catechism, Spanish
ID #: X1285
By Jem Sullivan, Ph.D.
This practical and easy-to-use guide for Spanish speaking Catholics is a one-of-a-kind companion handbook to the wealth of Church teachings contained in the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults. The format follows the same outline as the Catechism.