Bishop Speaks
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 5067
Out of
print for 13 years, A Bishop Speaks is back! This new, expanded edition
includes those parts unpublished in the original English edition.
Posthumous thanks are due to Mr. Michael Davies, RIP, who continually
encouraged us to reprint this book while revising "Pope John's
Council" and "Pope Paul's New Mass". He said, "You
must reprint "A Bishop Speaks"! It's a very important work."
He referred to and quoted from his old copy constantly.
This book is a chronological collection of key letters, sermons, conferences,
and interviews (1963-1976) of Archbishop Lefebvre that are critical
to understanding his founding of the SSPX, his defense of Catholic
Tradition, and his opposition to Vatican II and the New Mass.
"We hope that this English edition will be widely read. May it
also help many Catholics - bishops, priests, and laity - to understand
the tragedy that is ruining the Church, and the new betrayal of which
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Victim," said Archbishop Lefebvre
in the first English edition.
INCLUDES: 1963: Letter to Members of the Congregation of the Holy
Ghost on Wearing the Cassock; Letter on the First Session of Vatican
II. 1964: After the Second Session of the Vatican II. 1965: Between
the Third and Fourth Sessions of Vatican II. 1968: Light on the Present
Crisis in the Church; For a True Renovation of the Church; Authority
in the Family and in Society as an Aid to Our Salvation. 1969: After
the Council: The Church and the Moral Crisis of Today. 1970: To Remain
a Good Catholic Must One Become a Protestant? 1971: The Priest and
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; The Fruits of the New Mass. 1972:
The Priest and the Present Crisis in the Church. 1973: Priests for
Tomorrow. 1974: Crisis of the Church or Crisis of Priesthood?
1975: THE Declaration; Account of the "Three Cardinals' Commission"
in Suppressing the SSPX; Letter to Pope Paul VI (both) 1976: Letter
to Pope Paul VI (three); Ordination Sermon; The Sermon at Lille.
312pp, softcover.
The Heresies
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 6710
the book for a world pretending everything is gray - even truth. Saint
Irenaeus gave us the first Against the Heresies (Adversus Haereses)
in the second century. In the 20th, it is as of a second Irenaeus
that we present these conferences by Archbishop Lefebvre under the
same title. They both address the same problem: Man playing God.
Archbishop Lefebvre analyzes the various aspects of Liberalism in
the same way Irenaeus did of Gnosticism. As Saint Irenaeus addressed
the philosophical errors and presented the Catholic response, which
is the rule of the Catholic Faith in the Creed, so Archbishop Lefebvre,
too, shows how the modern errors in the Church and Society are so
opposed to our unchanging Catholic Faith. The solution is the same.
Catholic Tradition. The Deposit of Faith. The authority of the Holy
Both appeal to the one test of Truth, that is, "the teaching
of the Church of Rome." In fact, Archbishop Lefebvre's defense
is but a commentary on the encyclicals of the popes. They're dead,
but their teaching shouldn't be. Learn why these encyclicals were
buried with them.
Six popes resurrected from the last 150 years. Eleven mind-blowing
encyclicals. Against the heresies and the heretics, especially the
Freemasons and the Liberals. All taught by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
in the style of his other most popular work, Open Letter to Confused
351 pp. Softcover.
Of Archbishop Levebvre
Charles P. Nemeth, Esq.
STK# 6545
Was Archbishop
Lefebvre excommunicated? This canonical study was written to "examine,
assess, and weigh the validity of the latae sententiae excommunication?.
Every reasoned voice germane to the action has been included."
Gives the reader all the information necessary to make an intelligent
response to the question.
173 pp. Softcover.
Of The Unicorn
Dr. David Allen White
STK# 8159
Dr. White
has done it again! From the author of our tremendously popular The
Mouth of the Lion (the life of heroic Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer)
comes this new - and different - biography of Archbishop Lefebvre.
Make no mistake, this biography is unlike ANY you have read before.
It is a mosaic, if you will, providing parenthetical glimpses and
historical soundbites of the life of Marcel Lefebvre. Each tid-bit
(sometimes one to a page, sometimes five to a page) offers a new and
fascinating insight.
A truly unique style of writing. It is perfectly suited to those who
want the convenience of picking up the book and reading for one minute
OR one hour. Pick it up. Put it down. On your time.
Although not a definitive and exhaustive biography like Bishop Tissier
de Mallerais's Marcel Lefebvre, The Horn of the Unicorn deftly weaves
poetry, Scripture, anecdotes, news, and history into the story of
the life of Archbishop Lefebvre.
The result is an inspiring and thought-provoking appreciation of his
life from one of America's most distinguished Catholic writers. But,
you're asking, "I read Bishop Tissier's bio. Why should I read
this one?" Because it invites the reader to reflect on the life
of Archbishop Lefebvre in a new and different way. Like a motion picture
on paper, Dr. White associates thoughts, images, notions, quotations
in such a way that an understanding of the Archbishop and his times
The crisis in the Church is not fun. None of us wants the current
situation we are in, but God has His reasons... "to them that
love God, all things work together unto good" (Rom. 8:28). One
of these reasons is summed up in the Latin phrase "Crescit sub
pondere Virtus" (virtue grows out of adversity). We have the
opportunity to "step up to the plate" ourselves AND the
privilege of living among saints. How many of us met this great man?
Were confirmed by him? Received the Body of Christ from his hands?
Received his blessing? How fortunate we are!
Dr. White says, "But allow me to share a comment made to me once
by the late Fr. Malachi Martin, 'Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and Bishop
Antonio de Castro Mayer are the two great saints of the modern Church.
Once this catastrophe ends they will be instantly canonized.'"
352pp, softcover, 77 photographs
Dr. David Allen White, a native of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, graduated
summa cum laude from the University of Minnesota in 1971. He earned
his M.A. from the University of Wisconsin and his Ph.D. from Indiana
University. He has taught at Temple University and the University
of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is currently a Professor of English at
the United States Naval Academy where he has taught for 26 years.
He is the editor of Shakespeare A to Z, a Shakespeare encyclopedia,
and the author of The Mouth of the Lion. He does a monthly Shakespeare
commentary on the Hugh Hewitt radio show out of KRLA, Los Angeles,
carried nationwide on the Salem Radio Network. He converted to the
Roman Catholic Church in 1979.
Accuse The Council
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 3072
A major
player at Vatican II, Archbishop Lefebvre made these 12 official statements
at the Council exposing the danger of its documents. He warned that
the faithful would become confused, doubting the necessity of the
Church, the sacraments, the conversion of non-Catholics, and the necessity
of authority. Covers collegiality, Priesthood, marriage, religious
liberty, and ecumenism.
89 pp. Softcover.
Story Of My Long Life
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 7061
In January
of 1990, Archbishop Lefebvre came to the motherhouse of the Sisters
of the Society of Saint Pius X in France to work on writing his book
Spiritual Journey. A few days after his arrival, his heart began to
give him trouble and serious symptoms once again put the prospect
of death before his eyes. All the sisters of the community thus came
to be around their founder - a true father - as he recounted with
joyful and moving simplicity the story of his life.
And what a life! Born in 1905 in Northern France, family life, nine
years old as the First World War raged around his hometown, drafted
into military service three times, the French seminary in Rome, the
death of his father in a German prison during the Second World War
(he was an operative for Belgian Intelligence), missionary work in
Africa as a priest and bishop, Superior General of one of the largest
religious orders in the Catholic Church ... and why he resigned during
what he called the Third World War (Vatican II), the foundation of
the Society of Saint Pius X and so much more.
All told in a conversational format...as if the Archbishop were telling
you his life story. Very easy to read, uplifting, full of spiritual
insights into the workings of Providence in our lives. It is almost
impossible to put down - really! With nearly 40 photographs - many
new - covering every stage of Archbishop Lefebvre's life.
119 pp. Softcover.
Bp. Bernard Tissier de Mallerais
STK# 8035
over 2,000 references and 1,500 names cited, this is the definitive
biography of Archbishop Lefebvre, written by one of his closest associates,
Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais - a scholar in his own right.
Critics have said of the original French edition: "magisterial,"
"well-researched, serious, and honest," "reveals unsuspected
facets. A very complete work," "a rich, important contribution
to contemporary religious history," "a literary event,"
"a landmark." Influential French traditional Catholic publisher
Jean Madiran said, "...the fruit of several years of considerable
labor. The book is rich in documentation, often unpublished, and in
many theological observations."
Marcel Lefebvre's (1905-91) career saw him make a meteoric rise through
the ranks. At age 42, this missionary priest was appointed bishop
in Senegal by Pope Pius XII. One year later, he was named as the Holy
See's Apostolic Delegate for French-speaking Africa. In 1962 he was
elected Superior General of the 5,000-member Holy Ghost Fathers. Pope
John XXIII made him an Assistant to the Papal Throne and a member
of the Preparatory Commission for the Second Vatican Council.
In 1968 he felt obliged to resign from his post as Superior General,
and on November 1, 1970, he founded the Society of St. Pius X in Econe,
Switzerland with canonical approval. He gradually became well-known
throughout the world because of his adherence to the "Latin Mass,"
his opposition to some of the innovations of Vatican II (1962-65),
and his disagreements with Pope Paul VI.
After the Vatican sanctioned him and the Society, he celebrated a
"forbidden Mass" in Lille, France (1976), before 10,000
Catholics and 400 journalists, an event that brought him and his convictions
international status. In 1988 he made headlines again when he consecrated
four bishops without the permission of Pope John Paul II.
All Catholics, particularly those attached to the Tridentine Mass,
owe a huge debt of gratitude to this man who was so extraordinarily
sure of himself only because he was absolutely sure of God. We ought
to know him better.
718 pp. Softcover. 54 photographs, 16 maps and charts.
Letter To Confused Catholics
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 5045
A popular
study of the crisis in the Church written for all to understand. Covers
the Mass, Sacraments, Priesthood, the New Catechisms, Ecumenism, etc.,
and demonstrates the new spirit in the Church which has caused doubt
and confusion among the faithful. Has served as a beacon for thousands;
certain to become a classic.
163 pp. Softcover.
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 3045
between 1947 and 1968 while a missionary Archbishop of Dakar in Africa,
these letters aimed to protect the faith of the priests and faithful
of his mission field "and to strengthen them against the seductions
of the world."
From "Dangers of Religious Ignorance," to "the Church
and its Social and Political Evolution" and the profound "Life
and Truth." His consistent teaching shows a life of Faith over
the years.
148 pp. Softcover.
Liberty Questioned
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 7060
We are
forced to choose. Naturally, in our time of liberalism many people
cannot understand that we can defend opinions that can seem "outdated,"
"antiquated," "mediaeval," etc. But the doctrine
of the Church is the doctrine of the Church. When the Popes condemned
liberty of thought, liberty of conscience, liberty of religions, they
explained why they condemned them. Leo XIII wrote long encyclicals
on the subject. One only has to read them [to understand the reasons
for these condemnations]; the same applies for Pope Pius IX and Pope
Gregory XVI.
Again, all of this is based on the Church's fundamental principles,
on the fact that the Church is truth, the only truth. This is the
way it is; you either believe it or you don't, of course, but when
you believe, then you have to draw the consequences. That is why,
personally, I do not believe that the declarations of the Council
on liberty of conscience, liberty of thought, and liberty of religion
can be compatible with what the popes taught in the past. Therefore
we have to choose. Either we choose what the popes have taught for
centuries and we choose the Church or we choose what was said by the
Council. But we cannot choose both at the same time since they are
contradictory. (Archbishop Lefebvre, Religious Liberty Questioned)
Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Tissier de Mallerais meticulously explore
the question of religious liberty and give a crystal clear picture
of what the Church has always taught, what the Second Vatican Council
taught, and how they are contradictory. You, too, will be faced with
a choice. And choose we must.
178 pp. Softcover.
Mass of All Time
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 8249
The Mass
of All Time
by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, Edited by Fr. Patrick Troadec, FSSPX
"During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, revelation, the mysteries
of Faith, the mysteries of the Incarnation and the Redemption, are
made real. From the Mass, the liturgical and unbloody re-presentation
of Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, the efficacy of all good works
proceeds." –Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
The Mass of All Time is a collection of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's
sermons, classes and notes on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass...a compendium
of what he taught on the Mass - its rites, spirit, prayers, theology,
spirituality, and grace. Many of these texts have never been published
Fr. Patrick Troadec, rector of the Society of St. Pius X's seminary
in Flavigny, France, collected and organized the Archbishop's manifold
writings and speeches on the Mass and presents them here, in two parts.
Part one is a running commentary, gleaned from all the works of the
Archbishop, on the prayers, parts and actions of the liturgy. Part
two covers the New Order of Mass promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1969
and includes commentary on liturgical history, the liturgical revolution
and the history of the SSPX's defense of the old and rejection of
the new. Again, the words are those of Archbishop Lefebvre, woven
together by Fr. Troadec.
The Archbishop is known for his courageous defense of the Tridentine
Mass but never before have his insights been collected in such an
accessible and complete format. Especially now, with a renewed interest
in the "extraordinary form" due to the Holy Father's motu
proprio, this book is ideally timed because it is primarily a "positive"
book coming from him who is too often known as the "Rebel"
or "Renegade" Archbishop.
Here we see the love and depth of understanding that Marcel Lefebvre
had for the Mass of all time. Polemics are not excluded, but they
take a back seat in this volume. With the release of the motu proprio,
it seems there has never been a more ideal time for traditionalists
AND those new to the "Old" Mass to see this side of Archbishop
Marcel Lefebvre...indeed, the more important side as it was his love
of truth and the Mass as handed on to him that fueled his battle to
defend it.
The following review by the internationally recognized liturgical
scholar, Dr. Alcuin Reid is well worth a read.
Historically and Theologically Important Material, February 11, 2008
by Alcuin Reid
Archbishop Lefebvre has been the great 'persona non grata' of the
modern Catholic Church. Now that in the pontificate of Benedict XVI
we are more or less 'speaking again' as it were, it may well be time
to look anew at what the Archbishop had to say in that tumultuous
period of the Church's recent history which was the late twentieth
Angleus Press has published a compilation of the writings and discourses
of Archbishop Lefebrve on the theology and spirituality of the Mass
and on the liturgical reform that followed the Second Vatican Council.
The former has value as a compilation of classical spirituality. The
latter - of particular interest personally - puts together the Archbishop's
observations on the liturgical reform. How many people know that he
was in favour of the vernacular for the readings at Mass, and indeed
for most of the first part of the Mass called the Mass of Catechumens?
And how many know how and when he began to react against the implementation
of the reform enacted in the name of the Council, of which he was
a Father?
One regret is that the editor has compiled the second part of the
book thematically and not chronologically: it would, in my opinion,
be more useful as historical material in the latter format for, thematically
arranged, it is too easy to read on without noticing that at times
the footnotes indicate a jump of many years back and forth.
The Archbishop speaks forthrightly. Indeed, there is language here
that is clearly polemical and perhaps even reactionary: the years
in which he raised his voice were extraordinary times and we may well
find that we do not agree with the words he chose or the decisions
he took. We may even quibble with his recollection of events or debate
his understanding of theology. Yet, in days when honest dialogue and
reappraisal of the events following the Council are now permissible,
it is instructive to have Archbishop Lefebvre's words to hand.
Unfortunately Archbishop Lefebvre never lived to see Pope Benedict's
liberation of the more ancient form of the Mass in July 2007. But
as the usus antiquior gradually claims its rightful place in the Church
of today and of tomorrow we would do well to consider that - humanly
and historically speaking at least - it may not be able to do so today
were it not for the reaction of the Archbishop and of his disciples
then. For the Providence of Almighty God we may be thankful.
325pp, softcover, index.
Mystery Of Jesus
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 5046
In these
twenty-nine meditations inspired by Sacred Scripture, spiritual theology,
and the fruit of his own years of contemplation and experience, Archbishop
Lefebvre speaks about the life of Christ, His mind and will, the love
He had for His Father, and His thirst for souls.
How can Christ be a pattern for us? Why is it good for us that Jesus
Christ is both divine and human? How can His heart be our heart? What
was Christ's mission and what does it have to do with ours?
Cloaking the Divinity with Humanity
"We must constantly remind ourselves that this humanity cloaks
the divinity, and that it is a miracle that Our Lord was not always
as radiant as He appeared on Mount Thabor during the Transfiguration.
Normally, He should have been radiant and have had a glorious body...but
in order to suffer for us, Our Lord wanted to wed our mortal condition
such as it is, capable of suffering and death..."
Why Are Mysteries Essential
"The mysteries of the Faith are necessary. There must be mysteries.
It would be abnormal if there were no mysteries for us, because that
would mean we have nothing more to learn from God, and that our little
knowledge would be equal to that of God, which is utterly impossible
because the divine knowledge, like God Himself, is infinite, whereas
ours is finite, limited."
Understanding the Person of Jesus
"How then can we understand this Person who possessed the Beatific
Vision and, at the same time, lived as we do? Those who encountered
Our Lord in Palestine saw Him as just another traveler, as any other
companion for the journey, as any other dinner guest: the simplicity
of the discussions and the conversations reported in the Gospels are
the best proof of this. The human soul enjoyed the Beatific Vision,
but in fact the Person was God Himself, with all the power and infinitude
of God. These are extraordinary realities. ...this is exactly what
God wants us to realize."
176 pp. Softcover.
Have Uncrowned Him
Abp. Marcel Lefebvre
STK# 5240
The Summa
of Archbishop Lefebvre.
Covers the origins of liberalism, the subversion of orthodoxy by Vatican
II, the decline of the missionary spirit by dialogue, the bad fruits
of post-Conciliar reforms, and his vision of restoration. Most importantly,
the Archbishop explains how the revolutionaries in the Church managed
to dethrone Christ the King, both ecclesiastically and temporally.
Includes Card. Ottaviani's On the Relations Between Church and State
and On Religious Tolerance, replaced at Vatican II by Dignitatis Humanae.
264 pp. Softcover.
Pro Marcel Lefebvre Vol. 1
Michael Davies
STK# 3051
book is certainly one of great historical value. Portrays the dramatic
conflict relating to the grievances between Archbishop Lefebvre and
the Vatican under Pope Paul VI. Depicts the role of one who had the
foresight to recognize that he could not defend orthodoxy and at the
same time accept reforms "themselves oriented towards the cult
of man." Completely documented.
461 pp. Softcover.
Pro Marcel Lefebvre Vol. 2
Michael Davies
STK# 3053
Apologia Pro Marcel Lefebvre Vol. 2
Michael Davies
STK# 3053
to enlarge
This volume covers the story of Archbishop Lefebvre's relations with
the Vatican up to the end of 1979. The negotiations between the Archbishop
and the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith form the
principal feature of the book.
393 pp. Softcover.
Pro Marcel Lefebvre Vol. 3
Michael Davies
STK# 3040
1979-1982, the beginning of the pontificate of John Paul II. Davies
records many of the Holy Father's directives, how they were opposed
by the Bishops, and why it was necessary for Archbishop Lefebvre and
the SSPX to avoid all compromise in preserving Catholic Truth. Completes
the series by considering Archbishop Lefebvre within the broader perspective
of the crisis in the Church.
461 pp. Softcover.
And The Vatican
Fr. Francois Laisney
STK# 6719
A collection
of the documents and correspondence between Archbishop Lefebvre, John
Paul II, and Cardinal Ratzinger concerning the episcopal consecrations
of June 30, 1988 with accompanying commentary.
Includes: Protocol of Accord, Ecclesia Dei, Consecration Sermon of
Archbishop Lefebvre, Declaration of Bishop de Castro Mayer, Media
Reports, Canon Law, creation of the Fraternity of Saint Peter. Explanations
by Fr. Francois Laisney, SSPX.
244 pp. Softcover.
Asked Questions Of SSPX
Fathers of Holy Cross Seminary
STK# 6712
•Who was Archbishop Lefebvre?
•What is the Society of Saint Pius X?
•Weren't the SSPX and Archbishop Lefebvre excommunicated?
•What are Catholics to think of Vatican II?
•The 1983 Code of Canon Law?
•The Catechism of the Catholic Church?
•The Indult Mass?
•The Fraternity of Saint Peter?
•The New Mass?
•Pope John Paul II?
Includes a history of the first 40 years of the SSPX.
187 pp, 53 photographs, Softcover.
After the posthumous book of Archbishop Lefebvre, "The Mass of
All Time", we offer now its pendant, "Priestly Holiness".
The passages brought together in this volume constitute a veritable
Summa of Priesthood, independent of time and place. It is an
invitation to breathe in those ultimate principles which guided
Archbishop Lefebvre, so that we, too, might remain faithful to the
path he traced out for us.
The last chapter is dedicated to the Priestly Society of Saint Pius
X, a work of the Church raised up by Providence as a beacon of Catholic
Tradition; its mission both yesterday and today is to defend and
protect Priesthood and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in all
their splendor and their doctrinal purity.
May our Lady, Queen of Apostles and Confessors, deign to bless this
work and make it an instrument of the grace of her divine son, so
that priests might always increase in number and in holiness, for
the greater glory of God and of His Church.
His Excellency Bernard Fellay
Superior General, Society of Saint Pius X
Here are Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's own words on the back cover.
"The true priest loves souls, gives himself to them, sacrifices
himself for them for the love of God. He gives himself to souls
as he gives them the Eucharist. He gives them Jesus by teaching
and by Holy Communion. All of his priestly life thereby becomes
a Mass. The holy priest lives his Mass and brings all those around
him to live it, as well. He leads them to understand that all of
our lives ought to be a Mass, a total oblation, a continual sacrifice
of ourselves, out of love of God and out of love of neighbor. That
is the ideal of the true priest, an ideal which brings him a lasting
joy and peace of soul."
510 pp. Hardcover.