and The Mass
Bp. Fulton Sheen
STK# 8214
By Bishop
Fulton J. Sheen.
In this 1936 work, then Msgr. Sheen takes Our Lord's seven last words
from the Cross and correlates them to appropriate parts of the Mass
- the sacramental representation of that same sacrifice. A fascinating
book that will give you a new perspective on the Mass:
1)The Confiteor: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they
2) The Offertory: Amen I say to thee, this day thou shalt be with
me in paradise.
3) The Sanctus: Woman, behold thy Son...Behold thy mother.
4) The Consecration: My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me!
5) The Communion: I thirst.
6) Ite, Missa Est: It is finished.
7) The Last Gospel: Father, into Thy hands I commend my Spirit.
Bishop Sheen says, "Hence the Mass is to us the crowning act
of Christian worship. A pulpit in which the words of our Lord are
repeated does not unite us to Him; a choir in which sweet sentiments
are sung brings us no closer to His Cross than to His garments. A
temple without an altar of sacrifice is non-existent among primitive
peoples, and is meaningless among Christians. And so in the Catholic
Church the altar, and not the pulpit or the choir or the organ, is
the center of worship, for there is re - enacted the memorial of His
Passion." (from the Prologue).
71pp, softcover.
of the Passion
Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
STK# 8258
The Eternal
Drama of the Cross! This inspiring book, written in 1946 by one of
the Church's most prolific authors, discusses faith and the vital
part it plays in our modern world. Using the stories of many of those
who were influential in the life and death of Our Lord, Bishop Sheen
gives us a better understanding of the Faith.
Recognizing that the challenges and pressures of society make it difficult
for many to maintain their religious belief, Sheen takes you back
to Calvary where he dramatically brings to life brief but penetrating
characterizations of many of those who played important roles in the
Passion. Their stories teach us about trust, despair, egotism, powe;
politics, doubt, love, repentance, and more.
Archbishop Sheen gives inspiration to all. To those who may be wavering
in their beliefs, he brings comfort and strength. To others, he reaffirms
the knowledge that the true Faith is the most powerful weapon in the
world today.
94 pages, softcover
Sheen: Family Retreat DVD
Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
STK# 8265
is the only retreat by the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen recorded
on video. Sheen gives twelve conferences to an audience of all ages
on the following topics:
• Confession
• The Devil
• Love
• The Mass
• Making the Right Choice
• The Our Father
• Youth and Sex
• "Wasting Your Life for Christ"
• Our Lady
• Kenosis
• "Old Pots"
• The Cross
One of his best retreats, preached before a live audience in a church
toward the end of Archbishop Sheen's active life. The church was filled
with people of all ages: young children, teenagers, and their parents.
In this moving presentation, the Archbishop speaks about topics that
apply to everyone.
Listen to the Archbishop as he treats, in his usuals thorough, articulate
and humorous manner, each of these topics, and more!
DVD, color, running time - 6 hours & 4 minutes
Up Your Heart
Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
STK# 8259
up your heart: The search for pleasure is a sign of emptiness which
the Divine alone can fill. – Bishop Fulton Sheen
In one of his most popular and best-selling books, the beloved Catholic
prelate deftly strikes at the very heart and soul of humanity's universal
predicament: overcoming roadblocks to genuine spiritual peace and
union with God.
Lift Up Your Heart was written to help all those who struggle to ascend
beyond the mere human (ego) level and I-level of existence to reach
the supernatural or Divine-level. With clarity, logic, and unshakable
faith, Sheen provides guidance in solving the problems caused by the
tensions and stresses of living in a troubled modern world.
This treasured classic contains simple, practical advice on identifying
and overcoming conflicts associated with empty pleasure, character
weakness, self-discipline, false beliefs, and the fear of "letting
go." Above all, the book offers enduring words of wisdom on grace,
prayer and meditation, sanctifying the present moment, and making
up for the past.
One of Bishop Sheen's very best books!
-Rev. Fr. Christopher Brandler, SSPX
280 pages, softover
Errors and New Labels
Fulton J. Sheen, Ph.D.
STK# 8260
Sheen said in 1931:
This book is an attempt to judge contemporary ideas in the field of
morals, religion, science, evolution, sociology, psychology and humanism
in the light of that philosophical daylight called 'common sense.'
If at times it criticizes certain views on the grounds of their unreasonableness,
it does so to prepare for a view which seems more reasonable. If at
other times it shows that what is wrong with a certain philosophical
outlook is that it emphasizes a part against the whole, it does so
in order to suggest a view that is more Catholic in the sense of being
the whole truth.
The extraordinary thing for the reader here at the beginning of the
twenty-first century is that many of the "old errors" of
seventy-five years ago are still cropping up with "new labels"
today. There is no sympathy shown in these pages for those who believe
that everything that is modern is best, nor with those who believe
that everything that is modern is bad. The book does attempt to show,
however, that what is often called "modern" is only a new
label for an old error, and that what is called "behind the times"
is really "beyond time" and outside of fashions because
it is an expression of eternal truth.
222 pages, softcover
to Get Married
Fulton J. Sheen, Ph.D.
STK# 8262
One of
the greatest and best-loved spokesmen for the Faith here sets out
the Church's beautiful understanding of marriage in his trademark
clear and entertaining style. Frankly and charitably, Bishop Sheen
presents the causes of and solutions to common marital crises, and
tells touching real-life stories of people whose lives were transformed
through marriage.
Not only an insightful look at the proper/Catholic notion of love
and sex, Bishop Sheen covers practically every aspect of marriage
with a view to imparting its proper role and purpose. From the damage
caused by indiscriminte sex education to the "three basic tensions
in marriage," Bishop Sheen shows the Church's teaching on the
sacrament of matrimony from the standpoints of philosophy, theology
and morality.
He emphasizes that Our Lord Jesus Christ is at the center of every
successful and loving marriage. Hence, THREE to Get Married.
This is a perfect gift for engaged couples, or for married people
as a fruitful occasion for self-examination.
216 pages, softcover
to Inner Peace
Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
STK# 8263
St. Francis of Assisi to be asked the way to inner peace, he - like
Archbishop Sheen - would have undoubtedly pointed
to the way of the cross. Humility and charity would have been the
virtues recommended to pave the way and make the going easier.
Sorrow for sins, patience with others, and a healthy sense of humor
would be considered almost equally important. In this classic - written
some 50 years ago - we find many nearly forgotten age-old truths surprisingly
and specifically apropos to the needs of our own times. Rich in psychology
and richer yet in New Testament spirituality, these pages will provide
an invaluable guide to all those who, for whatever reason, are seeking
the way to inner peace.
215 pages, softcover
First Love
Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
STK# 8264
his characteristic eloquence and brilliance, Bishop Fulton Sheen presents
a moving portrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary that combines deep spirituality
with history, philosophy and theology. Mary's whole life is lovingly
portrayed in this word portrait that is a never failing source of
information, consolation and inspiration.
While considering the different phases of Mary's life, Bishop Sheen
discusses various problems common to mankind of every age and reveals
clearly that every problem can be resolved by recourse to her. He
emphasizes the unique dignity, strength and gifts of women and their
ability to help heal the world's problems.
Sheen stresses mankind's need of the Mother of God and her burning
love for all her children. The great resurgence of devotion to Mary
is God's way of emphasizing the value of every person (created in
the image of God) against the false doctrines that have so confused
the modern world, making the 20th century, arguably, the bloodiest
in history.
Beneath the deep spirituality of the book there is a firm foundation
of history, philosophy and theology, the truths of which are presented
clearly and logically. As always, Archbishop Sheen presents the great,
complicated theses of all times in a simple lucid manner that all
can understand.
A stimulating literary picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary ... an impressive
scope of information.
— Newark News
A remarkable book by Sheen. Many rays of inspiration are to be gleaned
from this thought-provoking work.
-Philadelphia Inquirer
The whole treatment is based on a high key that reflects the author's
deep reverence and devotion for the Blessed Virgin.
— Chicago Sunday Tribune
276 pages, softcover
Sheen's Life of Christ
Fulton J Sheen
STK# 8306
Sheen’s masterpiece.
"Christendom is over, but not Christ."
Some say this is the best of Sheen’s 84 books, his poem of the
God-Man. (Don’t blame him for the book’s cover art!) The
greatest Life told by one of the greatest wordsmiths of the dramatic,
especially in the temptation scenes, Christ’s conversations
with sinners, and above all the Passion. Sheen’s take on Joseph,
Mary, Peter and the Apostles, Herod, Pilate, etc. A master of paradox,
Bishop Sheen restates old truths in vivid and appealing ways with
style, insight, and depth of spirituality, the fruits of his catechizing,
meditation, and preaching. A winning combination of Scripture fact,
Church teaching, philosophy, reality, and composition of place. The
Life of Christ was the prehistory of the Catholic Church, as the Catholic
Church is the posthistory of the Life of Christ. Historical yet contemporary;
modern parallels drawn from timeless lessons. Need meditation?
476pp. Softcover.