The Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila
St. Teresa of Ávila
Famous Carmelite classic in a wonderful traditional translation. Her spiritual struggles, vision of her potential place in Hell, mystical graces-yet she remained very down to earth. One of the most admirable women of all time! Nice large print.
Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis de Sales: On Sickness and Death
St. Francis de Sales and Pere Huget
In Consoling Thoughts on Sickness and Death, St. Francis de Sales, the beloved Doctor of the Church, teaches how to grow closer to God through suffering well the most bitter trials.
The bed of sickness is an altar of sacrifice, writes the saint in this treasure of spirituality. He explains what prayers are suitable for the sick, how to persevere in patience, and even how to overcome an excessive fear of death. Most importantly, St. Francis de Sales teaches about abandonment to God's will in both life and death, drawing from his memories of the deaths of his own mother and sister.
Readers of Consoling Thoughts on Sickness and Death will experience firsthand why St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) is known to history as the Gentle Saint. St. Francis was Bishop of Geneva and a tireless preacher, who yet made time to correspond with numerous souls who wrote him for his insight and guidance. His Consoling Thoughts are compiled from these letters as well as from his other spiritual works.
Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis de Sales (Complete Set of 4)
St. Francis de Sales and Pere Huget
The Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis de Sales Set includes: Consoling Thoughts on God, Consoling Thoughts on Trials of An Interior Life, Consoling Thoughts on Sickness and Death, and Consoling Thoughts on Eternity.
Draw Near to Me, O Lord: Heartfelt Prayers for Everyday Life
Francis Cardinal Arinze
Part of The Shepherd’s Voice Series – The Shepherd’s Voice Series brings you the current teaching of bishops and cardinals on vital topics facing the Catholic Church today.
In this intimate prayer book, the renowned Francis Cardinal Arinze describes how to pray, explains the power of prayer, and gives us prayer suggestions that will help us draw near to God through the many everyday, real-life situations each of us encounters. This highly inspiring work will enable everyone who reads it to draw nearer to the Lord.
Sample prayers include:
- Thanksgiving and gratitude
- Marriage and Family
- Work and success
- Difficulties and sickness
- Church and society
- Our children and parents
- Solidarity with the poor
- Growing in virtue
Here is a magnificent, user-friendly prayer guide that can help make your prayers more specific, meaningful, and effective.
My Daily Psalm Book: The Perfect Prayer Book
Arranged by Fr. Frey
The Perfect Prayer Book - Authored by God Himself
The Church gives us many prayers. But after the prayers of the Mass, none are more hallowed than the Psalms—where God Himself teaches us to pray in words inspired by the Holy Spirit. Arranged by Father Joseph Frey, My Daily Psalm Book features a beautiful, solemn, but readable text, adorned with nearly 200 stirring illustrations by artist Ariel Agemian.
A portion of proceeds from every purchase of this Confraternity of the Precious Blood title go directly to The Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood in Brooklyn, NY to support them in their vocation.
The Interior Castle: or the Mansions
St. Teresa of Ávila
The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila presents a remarkable description of the entire spiritual life from the first release from mortal sin into Sanctifying Grace through the Mystical Marriage of the soul with Christ as a journey through what she called The Interior Castle.
She sees the soul as a magnificent castle full of spacious and well-lit rooms or mansions each of which leads deeper into the heart of the castle to the seat of the King. However, St. Teresa laments that most people give all their attention to the outer wall of the castle the body ignoring the beauty of the soul within.
St. Teresa gives practical advice regarding the early struggles and the temptations to turn back which beset the beginner. She describes each of the seven mansions and urges us forward to love and serve the Divine Majesty, imparting her absolute conviction that progress toward God through prayer is worth vastly more than all the treasures of this earth.
The Hobbit: Discovering Grace and Providence in Bilbo's Adventures
Joseph Pearce
In this companion course to The Hidden Meaning of The Lord of the Rings, Professor Joseph Pearce highlights the "fundamentally religious and Catholic" nature of Tolkien's famous novel, The Hobbit, or There and Back Again.
In this course, Joseph Pearce shows that Tolkien's own words about The Lord of the Rings being a "fundamentally religious and Catholic work" also apply to The Hobbit. Some readers mistakenly believe that The Hobbit is just a simple children's story. Tolkien might have written the book for his children's entertainment, but the best children's literature always has a deep level of meaning, and The Hobbit is no exception.
The Way of Perfection
St. Teresa of Ávila
A famous classic that teaches a simple form of mental prayer by which to attain great spiritual progress in a short time. Explains the Our Father phrase by phrase, plus much more! Says God rewards our efforts far beyond what we deserve!
Saint Lydwine of Schiedam: 1380-1433
J. K. Huysmans
St. Lydwine was bedridden from age 15, when she broke a rib, endured a lifelong illness which was recognized to be of supernatural origin. Her body became covered with sores and abscesses and virtually came apart into three pieces-symbolically representing the condition of the Church. She ate no food except Holy Communion and experienced many mystical phenomena. An incredible story of one of the most heroic victim souls in the history of the Church.
A Catholic Story Coloring Book: Our Lady of Pellevoisin
Mary Fabyan Windeatt
The story of Our Lady's visits to 32 year old Estelle Faguette at Pellevoisin, France in 1875. Estelle was cured of a terrible, fatal illness. In the apparition Our Lady asked for devotion to the Sacred Heart Scapular, and she promised the conversion of sinners.
The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales: For Lent
St. Francis de Sales
Twelve sermons on key aspects of the Christian life given during Lent, 1622--fasting, how to resist temptation, the danger of losing one's soul, living faith vs. dead or dying faith, Christian attitude toward death, proper conduct in illness, God's special providence toward those living a spiritual life, the hidden meanings of Our Lord's Passion, eternal happiness, mutual charity, etc.
The Little Flower: The Story of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus
Mary Fabyan Windeatt
"Papa, what's the new baby's name?" asked one of the Martin girls.
Little Thérèse was "the baby" of the Martin family. She was also her Papa's "Little Queen." With her Mama, her Papa and her 4 big sisters to love her, Thérèse could have turned out to be a very spoiled little girl. And indeed, it is true that sometimes she was cross and naughty.
Mary Fabyan Windeatt Lives of the Saints (Complete Set of 20)
Mary Fabyan Windeatt
Set of all 20 Children's Saints Lives. A $226 Value! Impr. PB
For ages 10 and up. Great stories of the saints for youth that are easy to read; yet extremely edifying and instructing! We all need good examples how to live a good Catholic life -- these books will not overwhelm or turn off those who need them most.
St. Jude Thaddeus: Helper in Desperate Cases
In desperate circumstances, the Faithful have always turned to the sure help of St. Jude Thaddeus - Apostle, cousin of Our Lord, and martyr for the Catholic Faith. This powerful Saint is invoked in cases of extreme need, grievous illness, poverty, and when circumstances seem hopeless. Plus, he is a special defender of (and helper in regaining) purity. St. Jude has obtained remedies and comfort for countless people who have turned to him in prayer. It explains his relationship to Our Lord and describes his preaching of the Gospel in Persia. There, along with St. Simon, he performed many miracles, defeated two magicians, converted thousands - including kings - and was martyred. Besides many interesting traditions about St. Jude, this booklet also contains the entire text of the Epistle of St. Jude with an explanation of this little-known New Testament book. Also includes famous, powerful prayers and novenas.
Blessed Marie Celine of the Presentation
Compiled by the Poor Clares of Rockford, Illinois. Beatification Sept., 2007. This 19-year-old girl, Germaine Castang, suffered much in a desperately poor family, with illness, deaths and other sorrows---but her life was crowned by entry into religious life. Allowed to make her profession on her deathbed, Bl. Celine is forever a spouse of Christ. Every saint gives a different beautiful insight into our holy Catholic Religion! (ISBN-8459). No. 2170.
Saints for the Sick: Heavenly Help for Those Who Suffer
Joan Carroll Cruz
In this intriguing new book, bestselling author Joan Carroll Cruz presents 76 mini-biographies highlighting saintly Catholics who faced intense, long-term suffering and disability with sweetness, peace and love for Jesus Christ. These stories show the triumph of God's grace where the world finds only ugliness and approaching death. They describe some lives so recent that the saint's family members are still living today, with many causes for canonization being currently active in Rome.
Still Amidst the Storm: A Family Man’s Search for Peace in an Anxious World
Conor Gallagher
“Peace! Be still!” Mark 4:39
The apostles are trapped in a mighty storm, their fishing boat on the brink of capsizing. . . . And Jesus slept. This confused, scared, and even angered the apostles, who could not fight back the storm. But as always, Christ is our model.
In these modern times, we often find ourselves adrift in a storm of stress, anxiety, and chronic busy-ness. We all suffer from it. In these moments, it’s easy to react like the apostles. To panic, to become angry, to be frightened.
But like Christ, we should strive to be still amidst the storm. Here, Conor Gallagher (as a father of 12, no stranger to life’s chaos) helps you reflect upon and cultivate three remedies to the stress of modern life:
- encountering God in the present moment which requires of a stillness of mind, to remain in the moment instead of fretting over past mistakes or future anxieties
- listening to the voice of God, which can only be heard by blocking out the relentless noise of the world and calming our increasingly restless souls
- resting in serene stillness by resisting the stir-crazy spirit of the world and rejecting busy-ness for busy-ness sake
In a world that constantly bombards us with noise, this little book offers a wealth of practical advice and real-world guidance on how to cut out stress, anxiety, and worry so that we may rest in the Lord and hear his voice, so that we may be Still Amidst the Storm.
Love Your Cross: How Suffering Becomes Sacrifice
Therese M. Wlliams
In Love Your Cross, Therese Williams tells the inspirational story of her struggles with spinal meningitis and the profound, personal relationship with Jesus Christ that grew out of her suffering.
Stricken with the illness at eighteen months old, Therese has lived as a quadriplegic for more than forty years. Here, she recounts her life of suffering and explains how she came to not just accept her cross, but love and embrace it.
Through Love Your Cross, you will
- discover Therese’s powerful story and her journey to embracing Christ on the Cross
- see suffering turned to joy in the story of a very real person
- grow closer to Christ through your own suffering
- be inspired to seek out Christ’s cross in your everyday life
- and much more!
Therese's story serves as a great example of how we can take the suffering that comes with our cross and channel it in a loving way in service to others.
Everyone suffers in their life and Love Your Cross gives a voice and a faith to the radical claim that suffering is an opportunity to grow closer to God.
Reading Between the Signs: Unexpected Directions on the Ultimate Journey
Rhonda Zweber
Life doesn't stop even when life seems to be stopping.
When you are suddenly on this unexpected journey,
you need something more than a roadmap.
Here it is.
A book grabs you and keeps your heart and soul engaged... a “must read”for anyone who has struggled with illness or loss and yearning for a closer walk with the Lord.
Saints for Every Occasion: 101 of Heaven’s Most Powerful Patrons
Thomas J. Craughwell
Here’s Heavenly help for your problems – large and small!
Life is not always easy. That’s why it’s good to have friends in high places. These friends are the saints – thousands of men and women who have faced the same troubles and challenges you face now, and yet have led faithful, fruitful, heroic lives.
In Saints for Every Occasion you will meet 101 saints – from Acacius to Zita. Each of them triumphed over immense obstacles in their own lives and stand ready to help you do the same.
Open these pages, and find . . .
• A saint who chases away nightmares
• Powerful intercessors for any illness—headache or toothache, arthritis or AIDS
• Patrons for parents who are single, stressed, divorced or disappointed with their children
• Saints to inspire your studies or improve your sport
• Saints for social justice
• Heavenly mentors to help you survive and thrive in your chosen line of work
• Saints to keep you safe—from dangers like volcanos and earthquakes, snakes and thieves
• Heavenly consolers for the lovelorn and the despairing, for those in prison and those falsely accused
• Special saints to protect children at play and at school, as they watch TV or surf the Web
Saints for Every Occasion tells the stories of 101 saints who overcame problems just like yours. Here in these pages you will get to know them, love them—and you will find a saint who can help you face your own challenges and one day win your own heavenly crown.
A Year with the Church Fathers: Patristic Wisdom for Daily Living
Mike Aquilina
Times change, but human nature does not. Neither do the daily struggles that all Christians experience in their walk with the Lord. Today as two thousand years ago we fight anger, pride, lust, spiritual sloth. Now as then we strive to be more diligent in prayer, more faithful to the commandments, more patient and charitable toward others. And in our time, no less than in the earliest centuries of Christianity, we need wise guidance to direct us on the road to holiness.
In A Year with the Church Fathers, popular Patristics expert Mike Aquilina gathers the wisest, most practical teachings and exhortations from the Fathers of the Church, and presents them in a format perfect for daily meditation and inspiration. The Fathers were the immediate inheritors of the riches of the Apostolic Age, and their intimacy with the revelation of Jesus Christ is beautifully evident throughout their theological and pastoral writings: a profound patrimony that is ours to read and cherish and profit from.
A Year with the Church Fathers: Patristic Wisdom for Daily Living (Paperbound)
Times change, but human nature does not. Neither do the daily struggles that all Christians experience in their walk with the Lord. Today as two thousand years ago we fight anger, pride, lust, spiritual sloth. Now as then we strive to be more diligent in prayer, more faithful to the commandments, more patient and charitable toward others. And in our time, no less than in the earliest centuries of Christianity, we need wise guidance to direct us on the road to holiness.
In A Year with the Church Fathers, popular Patristics expert Mike Aquilina gathers the wisest, most practical teachings and exhortations from the Fathers of the Church, and presents them in a format perfect for daily meditation and inspiration. The Fathers were the immediate inheritors of the riches of the Apostolic Age, and their intimacy with the revelation of Jesus Christ is beautifully evident throughout their theological and pastoral writings: a profound patrimony that is ours to read and cherish and profit from.
The Life of St. Francis of Assisi
St. Bonaventure
"Francis, go and build up My house, which thou seest, is falling into ruin." To fulfill this command of Our Lord, St Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) began by restoring physical churches and continued by building up the spiritual Church in souls. Francis' humility, purity, and true joy inspired many to conversion and a deeper faith.