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Catholic Audio tapes and Compact Discs CD

The Da Vinci Code
A Catholic Response

(PC: 7576-CD)
CD) Sale Price: $ 23.95

Was the Christian faith of the first followers of Jesus completely redefined and reconfigured in the fourth century? Was "true Christianity" really a religion of the "Sacred Feminine"? Was Jesus married to Mary Magdalene, and do his descendents walk among us today? These are just some of the incredible claims of the best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. But how should a Catholic Christian respond to these claims? Has the Church really kept all of this a secret for centuries, or are these claims just the latest in a long series of Gnostic notions that have plagued Christianity from biblical times?

In the new three CD (or cassette) series The Da Vinci Code? A Catholic Response, Catholic speaker Mark McNeil will equip you to answer all these questions and more. Rather than trying to make a "point-by-point" refutation of the author's many false claims, Mr. McNeil offers a devastating expose of the underlying philosophical fallacies that literally pull the rug out from under the basic premises of The Da Vinci Code.

Backwards Approach to History

A teacher of Thomistic philosophy, Mark shows how author Dan Brown has taken a "backward approach" to history by rejecting "tried and true" historical facts for unsubstantiated claims that simply will not stand up under logical, legitimate criticism.

As McNeil deftly demolishes the popular book's basic assertion that all religions are fabricated, you'll discover why Brown's approach actually undermines his own position. No stranger to the dangers of revisionist history, McNeil is a convert from a type of Pentecostalism that also cast off the classic claims of Christianity. With this unique perspective, he offers insights into how ideas like those in The Da Vinci Code have come about - and why they must be rejected.

"Sacred Feminine"

In these fascinating talks, you'll also discover that the ideas presented in The Da Vinci Code are not really new. In fact, you'll see how the historical books of the Old Testament chronicle the struggle of God's chosen people from falling into the idolatrous nature worship of the ancient world. As Mark exposes the fundamental problems with the modern idolatry embodied by The Da Vinci Code's "feminist theology", you'll learn why the Judeo-Christian concept of God is not tied to nature, and why early Christianity cannot be reduced to simply another naturalistic fertility religion.

Tough Questions

Asking the tough questions that the book doesn't want raised regarding this strange interpretation of history, Mark McNeil reveals the genuine danger of being "too smart to see the truth" as he uncovers The Da Vinci Code's reliance on unsound scholarship, dubious sources and "making connections where there just aren't any". Including Mark McNeil's personal conversion testimony of how he overcame an equally unhistorical view of Jesus to embrace the truth, The Da Vinci Code? A Catholic Response presents the challenge of the Jesus who declares the high values of the Kingdom of God versus the idolatrous Jesus of ancient Gnosticism and modern unbelief. Order now and answer the challenge for yourself.


  • Was Jesus married to Mary Magdalene, and do his descendents walk among us today?
  • Did Emperor Constantine really redefine Christianity "in his own image" in the fourth century?
  • Did the Council of Nicea suppress "true Christianity"?
  • Are the canonical Gospels truly less reliable than their many conflicting Gnostic rivals?
  • Is all religion falsely fabricated, merely metaphorical or simply symbolic?
  • How trustworthy is the history of the Church, as we know it?
  • Does The Da Vinci Code really represent sound scholarship?
  • Will The Da Vinci Code stand up to legitimate historical scrutiny?
  • How does one lose the ability to tell right from wrong?
  • And much moreā‚¬


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Photos from movie "The Passion of the Christ" directed by Mel Gibson

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A very impressive book!
Actual photos from Mel Gibson's film "The Passion of the Christ"
Includes corresponding Scriptural passages, taken from the Douay-Rheims Bible.

Go and spend time with Jesus.
Go see the movie "The Passion of the Christ"!


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