Jesus, Our Eucharistic Love
This is the most popular book in our Faith and Spirituality collection written by Fr. Stefano Manelli. Its popular appeal is due to its numerous accounts of the saints' examples on their devotion to the Holy Eucharist.
A treasure of Eucharistic devotional writings and examples from the Saints showing their stirring Eucharistic love and devotion. Originally written in Italian, this latest edition is the most complete and accurate English translation. It is the most popular of the Academy of the Immaculate books. A valuable aid for reading meditatively before the Blessed Sacrament.
She is Our Response
What is a human being? What does it mean to be free? What is human dignity? These questions lie at the heart of modernity. Pope Benedict XVI has tackled these tough questions his whole life in the Church. This exciting new book presents his vision of Mary as the one who shows the true face of humanity to the modern world, a vision of hope and healing for our fragmented era.
Mary’s role in the Church’s response to modernity cannot remain merely in the mode of theory (systematic theology) or iconography (Mary as symbol or type), but must extend to an encounter with the existential reality of her person.
St. Maximilian Kolbe: Martyr of Charity - Pneumatologist
An interesting and unique volume dedicated to the exposition of St. Maximilian Kolbe's thought on the Holy Spirit written by a Kolbe expert, Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner.
A scholarly study of St. Maximilian's teaching on the Holy Spirit and Our Lady, focus of contemporary criticism of the Saint and of his Marian program of life and thought, both by conservatives as well as by liberals. The author, being a prominent Kolbe scholar, shows how Kolbe's perspectives are in full continuity with those of St. Francis and the great Franciscan doctors. Thoroughly documented with extensive bibliography.
The Providence of God and the Existence of Evil
A philosophical treatise written in plain language on the meaning of human suffering and its relationship to God's divine providence.
One of the rational causes of modern atheism is the difficulty of many in reconciling the goodness of God in His Providence and the existence of evil in the world. This book attempts to resolve this apparent contradiction based on classical philosophy of the scholastics. It is a low-key apologetical discussion of the problem of evil in relation to divine Providence, with a concluding Marian twist to this perenniel theme of all human reflection, so important not only philosophically, but above all spiritually.
Virgo Facta Ecclesia (Virgin Made Church)
A summary of the life of St. Francis and a Marian key in understanding his spirituality and legacy to the Franciscan Order and to the world.
Made up of two parts by two different friars: the first part is a short biography of St. Francis of Assisi, his and the early friars' love and devotion to Mary; the second part is on the Marian character of the Franciscan Order, based on its long tradition of Marian devotion, especially in championing the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary-- from St. Francis to St. Maximilian Kolbe.
The Marian Vow of Unlimited Consecration to the Immaculate
A book that gives a profound explanation of how one can relate with the Immaculate by means of "the Marian Vow" of total consecration to the Immaculate that is transformative and life-changing.
This book is a treatise on total consecration to the Immaculate, conceived initially by St. Maximilian M. Kolbe and has developed into the distinctive charism of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Such charism finds its consummation in the profession of this Marian consecration in the form of a religious vow, known as, "The Marian Vow."
Jesus Alone: The Life of Blessed Marie-Clémentine Anuarite
This a small booklet relates the heroic life of a virgin-martyr Blessed Marie-Clémentine Anuarite who was beatified by St. John Paul II on August 15, 1985. It's a book that inspires one to holiness and fidelity to faith.
In this book, one learns of the heroic witness to the virtue of purity in the martyrdom of one of the new blesseds in the Church. The African religious sister, Marie-Clémentine Anuarite, gave testimony to this when confronted by one of the colonels during the rebellion in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The similarities between this event and the well-known martyrdom of St. Maria Goretti are very striking, indeed.
The Chaplet of St. Francis
This booklet contains a small collection of devotional prayers and reflections from the great Franciscan saints in a form of a Chaplet similar to that mainstream popular Catholic chaplets (e.g. Divine Mercy, etc.).
The Chaplet of St. Francis is a devotional prayer inspired by and composed using texts from the great Franciscan saints: St. Francis of Assisi, St. Clare of Assisi, St. Bonaventure, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, St. Veronica Giuliani, Bl. John Duns Scotus and others. Seasoned with quotations from Sacred Scriptures and commentaries from Bl. John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, this chaplet with 3 sets (Persons of the Holy Trinity) of 9 Hail Marys (nine months Mary carried Jesus in her womb) reminds us that Christian life is both Trinitarian and Marian at the same time.
The Triple Way
This is a new translation of St. Bonaventure's classic of Mystical work by one who is an authority on the Seraphic doctor's theology. Written with comprehensive introduction and notes that never exist before in any of the language, this edition is a masterpiece.
The Triple Way by the great Franciscan doctor of the Church, St. Bonaventure (1217-1274), is often called the "Summa of Spiritual Theology", a classic which has had and continues to have great influence in the theory and cultivation of the interior life of prayer and penance. This translation with notes by Fr. Peter Damien Fehlner, FI, is prefaced by a lengthy introduction and followed by several appendices illustrating the influence of Sts. Bernard and Anselm on the Seraphic Doctor. The editor is at pains to point out the Marian character of this great work seldom treated by other studies.
My Ideal: Jesus, Son of Mary
SKU aib-mij067
The Christian who aims at perfection endeavors to imitate Jesus Christ as completely as possible. Among all the traits of the Divine Model one of the most beautiful to imitate is His filial piety to Mary our Mother—His Mother and ours. —from Author's Preface.
Called a "School of Holiness," this little book by Father Neubert, SM, synthesizes and prestns the Mairan teachings of Father Chaminade, founder of the Marianists. In a conversational format similar to The Imitation of Christ, Jesus and Mary teach us how to be "sons of mary" by imitating the filial devotion of Jesus Himself.
Loved and promoted by St. Maximilian Kolbe, translated into everything from English to Zulu, this spiritual gem has been reprinted in a booklet destined for mass-distribution.
Caritas In Primo
SKU aib-cip071
On the Mystery of the Trinity by St. Bonaventure has not received the attention it demands, but this book by Dr. J. Isaac Goff, Ph.D. changes that. He puts the work into historical context, demonstrates its engagement with Aristotle, and guides us through the deep, limpid waters of Bonaventure's resolution of philosophy and theology to the primacy of the ocean of charity found within the circumincessient Trinity.
In the mid-1250s, shortly after becoming a master of theology at the University of Paris, Bonaventure wrote a series of disputed questions on the Mystery of the Trinity. Surprisingly, this disputation fell out of memory after Peter John of Olivi (d. 1298) last mentioned it.
Mary - My Mother
SKU aib-mmm072
In this simple book Father Schryvers tell us of our heavenly Mother.
If you are or wish to be a child of Mary, you will read this little book because it speaks of your Mother; you will feel a secret impulse to reread it; you will discover in it new glimpses and profound thoughts which the author himself has not suspected and which he, unassisted, would not have been able to express in words.
St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, who admired and recommended the present volume, affirmed these words of its author, Fr. Joseph Schryvers, from his First Preface of this simple but profound work dedicated to the Virgin Mary as our Spiritual Mother, directed to us, her children, and all who want to discover the joy of being her children.
How many treasures will the child of Mary find in these pages? As many as pass through the hands of the Immaculate!
Come and Follow Me
An excellent book on vocations which underscores in simple and yet profound reflection the mystery and reality of the call of God. Written by an expert in the discernment of spirit, Fr. Stefano M. Manelli.
An excellent book on vocations. St. John Bosco held that, "A third of our young people carry the seed of a priestly and religious vocation." If this is true then, why are there not more vocations? The author answers many questions of men and women aspiring to the priestly or religious life by quoting extensively from Scripture and the words and example of the saints and popes -- an invaluable book for promoting a better understanding and appreciation of vocations to the consecrated life.
Roman Conferences of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe
A translation of the conferences given by St. Maximilian to the friars when he was in Rome. This little gem contains some of the key themes of the saint's Mariology.
A translation by Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, FI
Many are the themes touched upon by St. Maximilian Kolbe in this book: Marian mediation, concept of the will, person of the Immaculate and her bearing on the thesis of the absolute primacy of Christ and her relation to each of the three divine persons. This is a translation for the first time in English language by a renowned Kolbe scholar.
Padre Pio, the Wonder Worker
A moving account of the life and spirituality of Padre Pio and his timely message of our time immersed in secularism, atheism and hedonism.
This book is sure to challenge the faithless, excite the interest of the wavering, and inspire the faithful to aspire to holiness. Over 40 chapters including the two inspirational homilies given by Pope John Paul II during the beatification celebration in Rome, May 2 and 3, 2000. Part one of the book is a short biography. The second part is on Padre Pio's spirituality, charisms, apostolate of the confessional, and his great work of charity, 'The House for the Relief of Suffering.' One must see the contents to appreciate the wide coverage.
Kolbe, Saint of the Immaculata
A compendium of inspiring articles on the multidimensional aspects of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, the saint of the modern times.
Of all the books in the Marian Saints and Shrines series, this one is the most controversial and thus the most needed in order to do justice to the Saint, whom Pope John Paul II spoke of as "the Saint of our difficult century [twentieth]." Is it true, as reported in a PBS documentary, that the Saint was anti-Semitic? What is the reason behind misrepresenting this great modern day Saint? Is a famous Mariologist right in accusing the Saint of being in error by holding that Mary is the Mediatrix of all Graces? The book has over 35 chapters by over ten authors, giving an in-depth view of one of the greatest Marian Saints of all times.
A Month With Mary
SKU aib-mm030
This little book, A Month with Mary, was written by an Italian holy priest Father Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970). Originally written as spiritual thoughts to his spiritual daughter, the work is comprised of thirty-one meditations for the month of May.
Father Dolindo wrote A Month with Mary on pocket-sized pages joined into small fascicles of 8 to 12 pages. He sent them to Laura de Rosis every two to three days and later transcribed them with some modifications in volume III of his autobiography: The Story of My Life in the Plan of the Great Mercy of God, pp. 1140ff (cf. Epistolario 1:212n, 218n). This work is from 1912: one of those years which passed in the life of Father Dolindo with the cadence of a "Way of the Cross" ... But he, serene as ever, loved Christ the more, loved Our Lady the more and reflected on this love in these few pages to which he wished to give the significant title: A Profound Reform of Heart in the School of Mary. These meditations are written in the style of the Imitation of Christ. (90pp. laminated gloss, saddle stitch)
Come, Holy Spirit
SKU aib-chs032
A beautiful and inspiring book on the Holy Spirit dealing with His work on souls. Hence, the book speaks lucidly about the beatitudes, the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, as well as the charisms he imparts to souls.
This volume of the writings of Don Dolindo was first published in 1949 and republished in 1985. It is an explanation of the role of the Holy Spirit in our interior and missionary life centered on the gifts, fruits, and charisms of the Holy Spirit bestowed in Confirmation. It aims at helping those preparing for confirmation, as well as providing the means of grace to live this Sacrament. The exposition is exceptionally clear and practical. It could only have been written by someone who had profoundly lived and experienced the Holy Spirit in his own life. |
In Pursuit of Immortal Souls
This book on missionary spirituality is directed primarily to missionaries; nonetheless it is marvelous spiritual reading for all Catholics who are missionary by virtue of their Baptism.
In Pursuit of Immortal Souls is a series of meditations on the role of redemptive suffering, silence, and prayer in the missions. This book on missionary spirituality is directed primarily to missionaries; nonetheless it is marvelous spiritual reading for all Catholics who are missionary by virtue of their Baptism. "This excellent treatise, leading us to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary as well as to the evangelical heroism of the great Apostle," writes Dr. Mark Miravalle S.T.D., "can only benefit the full giving flesh" to our Holy Father's call of holiness and evangelization for the third Christian millennium.
Franciscan Legend of the Immaculate
History of the origin and foundation of the Pontifical institute of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. This book spiritually chronicles the birth of the Franciscan-Marian religious community.
Franciscan Legend of the Immaculate documents the history of the Franciscans of the Immaculate from their beginnings in an abandoned friary in Frigento, Italy, with two young priests in 1970, up to their erection as a Religious Institute of Pontifical Rite with around 600 friars and sisters throughout the world by 1998. It recounts the manifold goodness the Blessed Virgin has done to this religious order and the achievement the friars and sisters have accomplished for Our Lady. This inspiring story provides hope for the whole Church in these times of great difficulty.
For the Life of the World
An inspiring book on the Eucharistic devotion of the saint of our difficult age, St. Maximilian. Written by a Polish Franciscan Conventual who have had access to Kolbe's archives in Poland.
The former international director of the Knights of the Immaculata, and Guardian of the City of the Immaculate in Poland, examines St. Maximilian's Eucharistic, spiritual life as a priest and adorer of the Eucharist, all in the context of his love of the Immaculate. Fr. Domanski, who is the foremost authority on the life and writings of St. Maximilian, answers those who would accuse St. Maximilian of over-doing devotion to Mary at the expense of devotion to Jesus.
Do You Know Our Lady
An abbreviated outline on the mysteries of the Blessed Virgin Mary based on the Sacred Scripture and in the perspectives of Fr. Stefano's "Biblical Mariology."
This excellent, handy treatise (125 pages) covers the rich and profound references to Mary, as prefigured in the Old Testament women and prophecies and as found in the New Testament, at the momentous events of Salvation History, from the Annunciation to Pentecost. In keeping with the Church's long tradition of placing Mary's role in the center, beside her Divine Son, through legitimate Scriptural interpretation, the author demonstrates a number of times how Scripture supports Mary's role as Mediatrix of All Graces. The coverage of the historicity of the Infancy Narratives in the Gospel is particularly good in answering Scriptural scholars who attempt to discredit what the Church has always held as historically true.
Bl. John Duns Scotus: Marian Doctor
A book for all readers seeking to come to know the noble life and teaching of this Blessed which is said to surpass that of the Seraphic Doctor, St. Bonaventure.
The famous Franciscan theologian, Bl. John Duns Scotus, even before his untimely death in 1308, was renowned for his defense of the Immaculate Conception and known as Marian Doctor par excellence. This book aims at acquainting the general public with the admirable figure of this Scottish-born friar. It does so, above all, to promote the knowledge and love of Christ Jesus and His Mother, the Virgin Mary, in the teaching and life of this holy theologian. Scotus, as a son of St. Francis of Assisi, stresses the primacy of love in theology. All else is ordered to love, and in love everything is perfected. For God is love and who abides in love abides in God and God in him (I Jn 4: 16). As taught by Scotus, the absolute primacy of Jesus and Mary — root and synthesis of all creation, heavenly as well as earthly — is the most perfect revelation of this divine love.
Aquinas on Reasons for Our Faith
A short treatise written by St. Thomas Aquinas laying out the arguments on the credibility of the Christian faith. This is a translation unavailable for many years in English.
Translated by Fr. Peter Damien Fehlner, FI; Edited with Notes by James Likoudis
This is an excellent translation with notes on a writing of the Angelic doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, De rationibus fidei contra Saracenos about 1265 A.D. Muslims have to be approached with arguments solely from reason; rational arguments can only show such truths not to be contrary to reason. Supernatural truths exceed the power of reason to demonstrate.
Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
A short and inspiring spiritual biography of St. Pio of Pietrelcina written from the first hand experience of the author as his spiritual son, Fr. Stefano M. Manelli.
The 148-page book on the recently beatified Padre Pio is packed with details about his life, spirituality and charisms, by one who knew the Padre intimately. The author qualifies as a spiritual son of Padre Pio in a number of ways. He grew up in a family which had a close relationship with the new Blessed. Padre Pio was the author's spiritual director. Padre Pio spoke of the Manelli family as "my family." Fr. Stefano turned to Padre Pio for guidance in establishing a new Franciscan community, the Franciscans of the Immaculate.
Life of Union with Mary
SKU aib-lum066
In several of my books I had occasion to touch upon life of union with Mary . . . Here I wish to present it as completely and practically as possible . . .
Firmly rooted in the Church's magisterium and the wisdom of the Saints, Life of Union with Mary presents a simple philosophy of life that is built around the relations of Mary to God and to man. That devotion to her can be a part of everyday life is a recurring theme in this devotional book that explains the extreme importance of union with Mary by showing its marvelous results.
St. Therese: Doctor of the Little Way
This book is a compendium of reflections on the doctrine of spiritual childhood of St. Therese of Lisieux. An inspiring read for anyone interested of the "Little Way."
A compendium of insights, covering many unique facets of the latest Doctor of the Church. The 32 chapters are by a variety of outstanding authors: Fr. John Hardon, SJ, Msgr. Vernon Johnson, Sr. Marie of the Trinity, OCD, Fr. Stephane Piat, and 19 others. To mention just a few chapters: Therese's use of Scripture, Abandonment through Suffering, Mirror of the Blessed Virgin, and Mystical Simplicity. The 174-page book has over 35 illustrations.
A Primer on the Absolute Primacy of Christ
SKU aib-apc019
An introductory work on the teaching of Bl. John Duns Scotus on the primacy of Christ written in popular and easy to follow argument.
This volume by Fr. Dean, FI is an excellent introductory summary of the well known Franciscan thesis, "The Primacy of Christ." Briefly stated, it is a thesis central to the doctrine and life of the Franciscan Order in particular and that of the Holy Church in general regarding the operation of God in the economy of salvation (Economic Trinity). The thesis stipulates the centraility of Christ in this Trinitarian operation as it presupposes the hierarchized ordering in the motive of the divine will. The uniqueness of this volume is the author's attempt to explain in simple language this theological doctrine for the non-professional theologians.