Music CD
Ecce Panis Angelorum
Ecce Panis Angelorum is a recording of a musical live evening concert of thirty sacred hymns, mostly in Latin.
Heavenly voices of polyphonic hymns
Ecce Panis Angelorum is a recording of a musical live evening concert of thirty sacred hymns, mostly in Latin.These hymns were presented by the Northern Rhode Island Schola Sancte Ceciliaein thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus Christ on the occasion of the Centennial celebration of the foundation of St. Stanislaus Kotska Church, in Woonsocket Rhode Island. The Northern Rhode Island Schola Sancte Ceciliae consists of young men and boys who perform concerts and liturgical accompaniment to solemn Masses both Tridentine and the Novus Ordo Masses.
The Northern Rhode Island Schola Sanctae Ceciliae
1. Henri St. Louis
2.Fran Garrepy
3. Stephen Garrepy
4. Michael Garrepy
5. Christopher Garrepy
6. Andrew Garrepy
7. Mark Garrepy
Hide me in His Heart
Hide Me in His Heart is a collection of songs that invite Our Blessed Lady to hide us in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Thoughtful and filled with tenderness
Hide Me in His Heart is a collection of songs that invite Our Blessed Lady to hide us in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The vocals, classical guitar, violin, mandolin and choral parts (recorded by the Franciscan Friars and Sisters of the Immaculate and friends) help the prayerful soul plumb the depths of God's Love. The songs vary from strict classical to a country style; the lyrics are taken from the Sacred Scripture as well as from the pen of St. Alphonsus, St. Therese, Fr. Faber, not to mention a few F.I. originals--all for the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
01 Pachelbel's Canon in D
02 I will lead you
03 Jesus, Beloved of my Soul
04 Child You Know my Name
05 Unpetalled Rose
06 O Coredemptrix
07 Hide me in His Heart
08 O Purest of Creatures
09 O Holy and Immuculate Heart
10 Hymn to Our Lady of Good Voyage
11 Mother Mary Hide Me
Cantate Mariae
This is an inspiring collection of Marian hymns varying from Gregorian chant, to a lively Mexican style, to an Irish flavor with fiddle.
This is an inspiring collection of Marian hymns varying from Gregorian chant, to a lively Mexican style, to an Irish flavor with fiddle. The songs are set to classical guitar, strings, and vocal harmonies by members of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and friends of their community.
O Holy and Immaculate Heart
This CD and DVD set is a concert given by Fr. Maximilian Dean and a friend, Michael Grogan in Binghamton, N.Y. It consists mostly of Marian hymns of original composition by Fr. Maximilian with intervals of inspiring reflection each song.
Inspiring album of spiritual hymns
This CD and DVD set is a concert given by Fr. Maximilian Dean and a friend, Michael Grogan in Binghamton, N.Y. It consists mostly of Marian hymns of original composition by Fr. Maximilian with intervals of inspiring reflection each song. This CD/DVD set is ideal religious gift to music enthusiasts. Included song titles are: I Will Lead you into Solitude, Mother Mary Hide Me, Be Thoud My Bread of Life, O Coredemptrix, Hide me in His Heart, Jesus Beloved of My Soul, I Shall Be Love (St. Therese), In the Breaking of Bread, Hymn to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
A Child is Born
A beautiful a capello rendering of some of the Traditional Christmas Carols sung and performed by the best talents of the American Friars of the Immaculate.
Father Maximilian Dean draws chie?y from the latent talent of the postulants within his own friary. Venturing boldly without instrumental accompaniment, friars and postulants beautifully render—a capello—your favorite Christmas carols such as The First Noel, It came upon a Midnight Clear, Good King Wenceslas, and We Three Kings to name a few. They also sing some Latin pieces, two of which are the lovely Puer Natus and the timeless Gregorian Christe Redemptor Omnium. A worthy addition to your Christmas listening fare.
Gloria Laus
Traditional Gregorian chants
Gloria Lausis a fine collection of Traditional Latin chants sung by the talented and gifted choir of homeschool children called Cape Cod Schola Sanctae Ceciliae. The musical recording is gathered from Catholic traditions that are Eucharistic, Marian and liturgical in nature, to help us understand the beauty of sacred chant and its important role in the Liturgy of the Church. Digitally mastered, this CD is an inspiring hymns on the perennial Gregorian chants of the Church.
01 Kyrie eleison (De Angelis)
02 Gloria in excelsis (De Angelis)
03 Credo (De Angelis)
04 Sanctus (De Angelis)
05 Agnus Dei (De Angelis)
06 Salve Regina
07 Hossana Filio David
08 Gloria Laus
09 Pueri Hebraeorum
10 Ave Verum
11 Immensa et Una Trinitas
12 Ave Maria
13 Victimae Paschalis
14 Spiritus Paraclitus
15 Veni Sancte Spiritus
16 Veni Sancte Spiritus (Sequence)
17 Veni Creator Spiritus
18 Regina Caeli
on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina
Each over 2 Hours Long
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