Marian Maximalism
With careful and thorough documentation and reasoning, Jonathan Fleischmann aptly shows that it is indeed true that “we can never say enough” of the Blessed Virgin Mary and that, in staying close to her, we are also protected from error and heresy. Jonathan Fleischmann uses both a priori and a posteriori arguments, in accord with the thought of Blessed John Duns Scotus, to show that it is no mere poetic expression but a sober truth that we can never praise highly enough the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the course of the book, he provides a rich selection from the writings of canonized saints from every period of the life of the Church to illustrate their witness to the truth that one cannot praise highly enough the Immaculate Virgin. It is my hope and prayer that, through the study of Marian Maximalism, the Blessed Virgin Mary will draw you ever closer to her Heart, totally one with the Heart of Jesus, and, therefore, ever closer to the Heart of her Divine Son, Jesus Christ. May Marian Maximalism inspire its readers to an ever greater Marian devotion, and through devoted love of Mary, to an ever deeper knowledge of her Divine Son, to worship of Him alone “in spirit and in truth” (Jn 4:23–4), and to serving Him with an undivided heart. – Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
Mary at the Foot of the Cross 4: Mother of the Living
A two volume set of the series "Mary at the Foot of the Cross". This fourth volume covers a wide range of scope on Marian themes based on spiritual writings of the saints. It includes in supplementary volume, the teaching of Cardinal Mercier on Marian Coredemption. Scholarly, thorough but readable treatment of important themes, with information and perspectives not easily available otherwise in English, such as the prophecy of Simeon and coredemption, the Stabat Mater of Jacopone da Todi, the Sub tuum praesidium, Mary as "Minister of grace", a little known, but important Italian mystic, Mother M. Costanza Zauli, and many others. A special 200 page supplement contains the English translation of the first scholarly study of Mary's universal mediation of all graces in the theological and pastoral works of Cardinal Mercier by Dr. Manfred Hauke. In two appendices are published for the first time recently discovered documents in Latin on the coredemption by Bl. Columba Marmion, O.S.B., and Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
Mary at the Foot of the Cross 5: Immaculate Conception and Coredemption
A special volume on the "Mary at the Foot of the Cross" series which commemorated the 150 Anniversary of Mary's Immaculate Conception. This is an interesting collection of informative articles by renown mariologists. The 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception occasioned the theme of this volume. The mysteries of Mary are so intertwined that each of them sheds light to one other. This is the case between the Immaculate Conception and Marian Coredemption. A typical Franciscan thesis, the articles in this series reiterates that only she who is perfectly redeemed (Immaculate Conception) has a unique active role in the redemption of Christ. Only one who is fullness of graces, in the words of St. Maximilian, can distribute and mediate them to souls.
Mary at the Foot of the Cross 6: Coredemptrix in the Eucharistic Mystery
A special volume of "Mary at the Foot of the Cross" series which present interesting articles on the relationship between Mary's mediation and the truth and devotion on the Holy Eucharist. Catholics always believe that there is a close association between the mystery of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and the mystery of Mary. This “sense of faith” is given theological and doctrinal exposition in this exciting new volume of Mary at the Foot of the Cross - VI: Marian Coredemption in the Eucharistic Mystery.
Mary at the Foot of the Cross 7: Mediatrix of All Graces
The seventh volume in the series of "Mary at the Foot of the Cross" is to focus in locating the basis of Marian mediation from Mary's unique cooperation in the Redemption.
Originally presented as Acts of the Marian Symposium in Fatima, Portugal in the year 2006. The basis of Mary’s unique maternal mediation is her unique participation in the redemption of Christ is the volume’s central theme. Following are some titles in this volume: Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces, in the Papal Magisterium of Pope John Paul II by Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins; The Coredemption and Maternal Mediation of the Immaculate according to Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort by Fr. Etienne Richer; The Theological Vision of the Universal Mediation of Mary in G. M. Roschini by Fr. Pietro Parotta, PAM. |
Mary at the Foot of the Cross 8: Understanding Redemption
This volume is an important contribution to an understanding of the many errors about the mystery of Redemption in the light of Mary Coredemptrix. Originally presented as Acts of the Marian Symposium in Fatima, Portugal in the year 2007, addresses central Christological issues bearing on the meaning and consequences of the Redemption, those arising from an incorrect or total lack of understanding of the mystery of Marian coredemption. Such aberrations as patripassianism, liberation theology, Kantian transcendentalism substituted for scholastic metaphysics, soteriological substitutionism and the Protestant solus, reflect a deeply rooted Marian minimalism and rejection of Mary’s prerogative as Coredemptrix.
Mary at the Foot of the Cross 9: Mother of the Church
The final volume in this series. The theme of this symposium is "Mary: Spouse of the Holy Spirit, Coredemptrix and Mother of the Church". Originally presented as Acts of the Marian Symposium in Fatima, Portugal in the year 2009. ... Some of the titles in this volume are as follows: Mary and the Church in the Papal Magisterium Before and After the Second Vatican Council by Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins; Mary and the Church in Newman with an Eye to Coredemption by Fr. Edward Ondrako, OFMConv; “Francis, Go and Repair My Church” by Fr. Stefano M. Manelli, FI.
The Virgin Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces
This is a scholarly work consisting of two part studies on the mystery of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces: the historical development of the doctrine until vatican II and the arguments in favor and against it. An excellent resource.
The Mariology of the 20th century got a decisive stimulus by the movement for the dogmatic definition of Mary’s social function as “Mediatrix of all Graces.” Gloria Falcão Dodd gives a synthetic, historical overview of the development from 1896 until the proclamation of the Marian chapter of “Lumen gentium” in 1964. She also analyzes the theological arguments for and against the dogmatic definition. Her very useful work is indispensable for anyone who wants to receive the most recent basic information about the most disputed topic of modern Mariology. - Rev. Dr. Manfred Hauke
Mariological Studies in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe
This book is the first of a series of studies in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe which covers various essays relating to the Mother of God, Our Lady of Guadalupe. A must have for personal and academic library for renewed devotion to Our Lady.
Extraordinarily relevant, Mariological Studies in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a one of a kind treasure trove delving into the great mysteries of salvation through the lens of Mary’s maternal mediation. Eight essays relating to the Mother of God and Mother of the Church, but particularly about Our Lady of Guadalupe, Queen of the Americas, will stir your heart to a renewed devotion to the Blessed Mother Mary, so essential for our times. You’ll want to savor this book. Highly recommended!
The Immaculate Conception
In Fr. Kappes’ groundbreaking thesis the person and mystery of Mary unfolds as indispensable for ecumenical theology. As Pope Francis intensifies ecumenical efforts between East and West, this research clarifies Our Lady’s central role in these efforts.
This second volume of the series Mariological Studies in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe treats the mystery of the Immaculate Conception, hidden in plain sight for nearly a thousand years prior to Bl. John Duns Scotus and his later influence at the Council of Florence. Until now, practically nothing was known of this history.
Life of Union with Mary
SKU aib-lum066
In several of my books I had occasion to touch upon life of union with Mary . . . Here I wish to present it as completely and practically as possible.
Firmly rooted in the Church's magisterium and the wisdom of the Saints, Life of Union with Mary presents a simple philosophy of life that is built around the relations of Mary to God and to man. That devotion to her can be a part of everyday life is a recurring theme in this devotional book that explains the extreme importance of union with Mary by showing its marvelous results.
Father Neubert not only gives the dogmatic basis for union with Mary, but details methods of working at and achieving it. He considers every spiritual exercise from this special angle and exemplifies his directions by quotations from many religious and laymen – including Saints – who have achieved union with Mary.
Mary at the Foot of the Cross 3 : Mary and Ecumenism
Mary was seen mistakenly by misguided theological reflection as an obstacle to authentic ecumenism. On the contrary, once properly understood, the mystery of Mary is the key to the unity of Christians.
August 2002, at the famed Downside Abbey near Bath, England. Important essays by leading theologians such as Dr. M. Hauke (Lugano, Switzerland), Msgr. B. Gherardini (Rome), Msgr. A. B. Calkins (Rome), Fr. J. Ferrer Arellano (Madrid). This volume is dedicated to the discussion of Marian Coredemption as it answers the challenge of ecumenical objection in the light of the true teachings of the Church.
Mary at the Foot of the Cross 2: Marian Coredemption
The theological sources of the the mystery of Marian Coredemption is the theme of this series. Misunderstanding of this mystery is due in part to inaccessibility of the different sources that clearly teach this doctrine.
Mary at the Foot of the Cross - II contains the Acts of the 2nd International Symposium on the Marian Coredemption held at Ratcliffe College (NR, Leicester), Fosse Way, England, in April, 2001. Theologians and faithful gathered from all over the world to study and reflect on the mystery and person of Mary Coredemptrix. International speakers include Fr. Bertrand de Margerie, Msgr. Brunero Gherardini, Fr. Joaquin Ferrer Arellano, Msgr. Arthur Calkins and others.
This volume, containing the unabridged written presentations of all the speakers at the Symposium, is a must for those who wish to grow in their knowledge and love for the Blessed Virgin Mother who, with and under her Divine Son, redeemed the world.
Mary's Maternal Mediation
This book presents the doctrine of Mary's mediation for the non-professional. An easy to read introduction for those beginning to understand this mystery.
Is it True to say that Mary is Coredemptrix, Mediatrix of all Graces and Advocate?
The central theological issue of the last half-millenium and still the most hotly debated article of Catholic doctrine is that of Marian Coredemption. Dr. Miller, a retired London physician, sets the disputed points in perspectives and helps the non-professional to understand why the doctrine is true and eventually worthy of belief.
SKU: AIB-MM025 ,175pp paperback.
All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed
SKU aib-ag001
It is very rare to see in one volume a complete survey of the Scriptures with regards to Mary. This is one of those rare volumes that inspires and at the same time informs.
A scholarly, easy to read book tracing Mary’s presence in the Old Testament, through prophecies, fi gures and symbols, to Mary’s role in the New Testament, where we see the many instances and places where Mary is found working beside her Divine Son. A clear, concise exposition (all Biblical) which shows clearly Mary’s place in the economy of Salvation. The author is well known in Italy for his scholarship and leadership in founding the Franciscans of the Immaculate.
Mary's Apostolic Mission and Ours
A book which peruse the truth of Mary's unique role in apostolic mission. This sheds light on the apostolic mission of every baptized Christian.
Did Mary also receive an apostolic mission? Tradition supposes so. God wished to make of her the “New Eve,” the Associate of Christ. We would, therefore, also expect her to participate in His apostolic mission. Is this mission identical to that of the other apostles or to that of her Son? It is identical to neither. But, as we shall see, though her mission is a participated one, it is, for many reasons, more similar to that of Jesus than to that of the other apostles.The mission conferred by Christ on His apostles includes, in addition to administering Baptism, the double objective of preaching the doctrine of salvation: “Go, teach all nations,” and practicing the Christian life, “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you!” Mary’s apostolic mission embraces both Christian doctrine and Christian living.
A Handbook on Guadalupe
A compendium of a wide-range information on Our Lady of Guadalupe available only in English language.
This well-researched book contains 40 topical chapters by leading experts on Guadalupe. It is a treasure of facts, inspiration and insights. Some of the topics covered: the historic roots of Guadalupe in Catholic Spain and the Aztec Empire before the conquest, the principal characters, the latest scientific findings, the divine codex (picture writings). A number of chapters show how Our Lady helped to bring about the end of human sacrifice then and has an eminent role today as the patroness of the pro-life movement. Numerous beautiful illustrations, many of them in color.
Bl. John Duns Scotus and His Mariology
This book is the proceedings from the Acts of the Symposium on Scotus’ Mariology held at Grey College, Durham, England, in the Church of Our Lady and St. Margaret, Duns, Scotland from September 9–11, 2008.
The hope of this Symposium is to set in relief the importance of the mystery of Mary in understanding the thought of Bl. John Duns Scotus, a mystery so much neglected by many students of Scotus, today as in yesteryear. Without that profound veneration of the Immaculate Virgin and an appreciation of her uniqueness as the Immaculate Conception, the theology and metaphysics of Scotus will remain merely the abstruse delight of an elite academy, and Mariology will be lacking its securest instrument of reflection.
Mariology of Blessed John Duns Scotus
This book provides a complete, well-balanced exposition of Scotus on Our Lady, with all the many inter-connections between the mystery of Mary and the whole of theology.
Fr. Rosini has, perhaps for the first time, provided a complete, well-balanced exposition of Scotus on Our Lady, with all the many inter-connections between the mystery of Mary and the whole of theology, illustrating plainly how the subtle resolution of the most complex of theological questions was not something achieved prior to any consideration of Mary, but exactly to the contrary: by meditating “in the spirit of prayer and devotion” (St. Francis of Assisi) on the Blessed and Immaculate Virgin in the mystery of Christ and the Church (Lumen Gentium, ch. 8, title).
Venerable Mother Agreda and the Mariology of Vatican II
This book, according to the thoughts of Venerable Agreda, refutes the claim that the classical approach to Mariology by the saints has been superseded by the conciliar biblical-historical" approach.
The book "Venerable Mother Agreda and the Mariology of Vatican II" replies to the objections that Mother Agreda pushes an outdated Mariology. It shows that the genuine teaching of the Second Vatican Council, far from being different from Mother Agreda and her work, the Mystical City of God, is profoundly and expressly anticipated by this jewel of Spanish and Franciscan Mariology. Being profoundly Franciscan in her mariology, this book reaffirms the value and the defense of the entire school of Franciscan Mariology which is characteristically metaphysical, against those who oppose the figures of St. Maximilian, Padre Pio and St. Bernardine of Siena and others The book refutes the claim that the classical approach to Mariology by these saints has been superseded by the conciliar biblical-historical" approach.
Virgo Ecclesia Facta - The Virgin Made Church
The Presence of Mary in the Crucifix of San Damiano and in the Office of the Passion of St. Francis of Assisi. This is an in-depth study of the Marian teaching of St. Francis of Assisi.
An in-depth scholarly study of the presence of Mary in the vocation, spirituality, thought and work of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi. Point of departure for this study is the Crucifix of San Damiano and the Office of the Passion composed by St. Francis in the framework of his famous Marian antiphon. Thoroughly documented, with exhaustive bibliography, this study shows how totally Marian St. Francis is and how Marian he intended his Order and movement to be in order to "repair the Church". Praised by Pope John Paul II as the best Mariological study published in 1998.
Mary at the Foot of the Cross - I : Millennium with Mary
This is the first of the series of scholarly studies on the mystery of Mary as Coredemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. This volume is unique being the "pilot" that will define the successive volumes with different sub-titles on "Mary at the Foot of the Cross" series based on the International Symposium on Mary as Coredemptrix.
With so much attention focused today on whether the Church should define the long-standing traditional teaching of the Church that Mary is the Mediatrix of all Graces, this symposium on Marian Coredemption addresses supporting evidences for its definition.
The Newman-Scotus Reader: Contexts and Commonalities
SKU aib-nsr069
This book is on the similarity of thought held by Newman and Scotus in Philosophy.
Drawing from the inaugural Newman-Scotus Symposium, this edited volume presents principles that converge with striking similarities in the thought patterns of Bl. John Duns Scotus and Bl. John Henry Newman. With contributions from prominent philosophers and theologians, this book argues in detail that Newman was overall sympathetic to many of the major themes characteristic of Scotus’ metaphysics, and furthermore would be cautious about simply substituting historical dimensions and new hermeneutics for a sound metaphysical approach. The more metaphysical approach of Scotus uncovers the implicit notional foundations of Newman’s thought, while the more phenomenological style of Newman assists the reader in grasping the realism and profound spirituality lying behind the more abstract presentation of Scotus. Topics range from the Franciscan-Scotistic motive of the Incarnation, the Scotistic position of sacramental theology, to intuition and certitude, scientific form and real assent, uncoupling Scotus from Kant, the will as the power to self-determine as the essential characteristic of the will, with love as its object, and its relationship to the intellect as moved by its object, the truth, and more.
Acheiropoeta: Not Made By Hands
A resource comparative study on the the tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Holy Shroud of Turin-- "Acheiropoeta" -- not made by human hands.
An excellent resource book and the only one of its kind, covering the two most controversial images in existence: the Holy Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the tilma of Juan Diego and the Sacred Image of the crucified Christ on the Shroud of Turin. Both presentations give ample scientific evidence of their authenticity. The author, with a physical science background, has brought the reader up to date on the latest Shroud findings. At the same time, he exposes the fraudulent carbon-14 tests.